
Victoria Garen, front yard in April. For more pictures click here to watch a slide show.
new(s): Redding Native Plant Tour, May 15th 2010, Don Brand's garden, Ren's garden, Carter House, Matson-Mowder-Howe Celebration garden, Jim and Cleo's garden, Stoker garden.
Victoria Garden is a private garden located it the lower part of the foothills, just West of Redding, CA. In 2006 we moved to the U.S.A. and bought our house in Redding. Being Dutch and having lived in England I was a bit home sick and longed to have a colorful "English" garden fully packed with plants. The famous English garden tradition has its roots in the period of Queen Victoria and it inspired me to create 'Victoria Garden' with all its different colors, textures and heights.
I wanted a lush garden, but choose plants that do well in this climate. Still the garden needs some water to cope with the long hot summers. To be water wise, I installed a drip and mini spray irrigation system. This watering system needs a lot less water than the usual big lawn sprayers and for my whole garden it takes as much water as two persons showering.
I like all kind of plants. You could say I am a plant nut. It's a diverse garden, where all kind of plants like natives, annuals, grasses, bulbs, roses and drought tolerant plants found a home.
Be invited to roam around in my virtual garden. Read the blogs written by various Redding gardeners, look at the plants lists, watch the photo's from Victoria Garden by month and other Redding gardens and find out where to get plants.
This website is not only about Victoria Garden. I hope it will become a website for Redding gardeners, by Redding gardeners.
Unfortunately the garden doesn't exists anymore. The garden and house burned down completely during the Carr fire in 2019. This website is now my only memory of what once existed.
Barbara Kapsenberg