

Salvia Clevelandii 'Allen Chickering' , Blue Sage


Salvia Clevelandii 'Allan Chickering'  plant




Salvia Clevelandii 'Allan Chickering'  flower




Salvia Clevelandii 'Allan Chickering'  keaf






My personal notes: (be aware that this are my experiences in Victoria Garden. In other places in and around Redding, this plant can behave differently)

Salvia Clevelandii 'Allen Chickering' (Blue Sage) is a Californian native, growing in the South of California. It is a real sun lover and fairly  drought tolerant. In its native habitats it grows on hill sites, therefore it certainly needs well drained soil.
I have 4 plants all growing under slight different conditions. Two on the steep hill in the back yard. They are a bit struggling. They are in full sun and the water they get, runs off immediately.  Maybe they don't get enough water, or the oak rot fungus who already killed some plants in the area is bothering them.
The shrub along the parking area, who is in very poor soil with sparely water thrives, but stays quite small. The last one is in the front yard in the blue border near the gate. This one I propagated by just putting a twig in the soil in late fall, when the rains started. It grows in more fertile, but very well drained soil with a bit more water. It is growing fast. Maybe too fast, because during the last rains, the main stem split. This doesn't seem to bother the plant. I see even the flower buds coming, ready to flower during the garden tour.
The flowers are bright blue and have a strong fragrance. Not only the flowers, but also the leaves have a strong lavender smell. I think this is one of the main attractions of this shrub. Plant it somewhere near your sitting area and you can enjoy the whole season of  this powerful lavender scent.

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