

Quercus kelloggii, Black Oak


Quercus kelloggii


leaf upperside



leaf backside

leaf backside


points on leaf






fall color

fall color



My personal notes: (be aware that this are my experiences in Victoria Garden. In other places in and around Redding, this plant can behave differently)

Quercus kelloggii (Black Oak) This tree is a local native, I didn't plant, but came on its own.
Originally only blue oaks and interior live oaks grew in the area around our house. The Interior live oaks near the seasonal streams and the blue oaks a bit higher up. The black oaks find their home normally on the higher more fertile soil on the South side of Wiskey Town Lake. But over the years I noticed that black oaks were slowly "approaching" our house and two years ago I discovered the first seedling in the bottom of the Woodland Garden.
Why? You can see the vegetation nearby gradually changing. Less White Leaf Manzanitas and more oaks. Changing from a chaparral landscape, what comes up after a fire, into a foothill woodland area. The size of the Knobcone Pines a bit further gives an indication that the last fire was about probably 40 years ago or longer. Maybe the lack of fires, which gives the oaks and pines time to grow, brings more shade in the area. More shade and more trees combined with the many seasonal streams around, might change the soil conditions and attracts the black oaks. Animals will bring the acorns, but the conditions must be right for germination and maturing of the black oaks.
Black oaks have bright green glossy leaves with points at the end of the lobes. (See above). They drop their leaves in fall and add colors to the local woods, from yellow over red to brown.
The broad acorn has got a "thatched" top and provides food for many animals around.
I am curious how this small tree will develop over time.

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