picture |
Botanical name |
Common name |
Borders |
| Id# |
Abelia grandiflora |
Glossy abelia |
12 |
info and more photos |
637 |
Abelia x grandiflora 'Edward Goucher' |
Glossy Abelia |
10 |
info and more photos |
1092 |
Abelmoschus manihot |
Hibiscus manihot |
24 |
1098 |
Abutilon pictum |
Flowering Maple |
5 |
info and more photos |
779 |
Acanthus mollis |
Bear's Breeches |
10, 13 |
info and more photos |
575 |
Acca sellowiana |
Pineapple Guava |
19 |
755 |
Acer negundo californicum |
California Box Elder |
2 |
963 |
Acer palmatum |
Japanese Maple |
13 |
676 |
Acer palmatum 'Burgundy Lace', |
Japanese Maple |
9 |
967 |
Acer palmatum dissectum |
Japanese Maple |
13 |
991 |
Acer palmatum dissectum atropurpureum 'Garnet' |
Japanese Maple |
13 |
677 |
Achillea millefolium |
Common Yarrow |
7, 9, 10 |
177 |
Achillea ptarmica ‘The Pearl Superior’ |
Yarrow |
12 |
638 |
Achillea spec. |
Yarrow (Dark red ) |
5 |
120 |
Acorus gramineus 'Ogon' |
Japanese Sweet Flag |
13 |
996 |
Aeonium arboreum atropurpureum 'Zwartkop' |
Aeonium |
5 |
993 |
Aesculus californica |
California Buckeye |
0 |
info and more photos |
901 |
Agapanthus spec. |
Lily-of-the-Nile (blue flower) |
4 |
72 |
Agapanthus spec. |
Lily-of-the-Nile (white flower) |
12 |
852 |
Agastache 'Apricot Sunrise' |
Hummingbird Hyssop |
24 |
508 |
Agave Americana |
Agave |
1 |
6 |
Agave Americana 'variegata' |
Variegated Agave |
1 |
7 |
Agave ocahui |
Agave |
22 |
1019 |
Ajuga genevensis |
Blue Bugleweed |
20 |
969 |
Ajuga reptans 'Burgundy Glow' |
Carpet Bungle |
18 |
1135 |
Ajuga reptans 'Catlin's Giant' |
Carpet Bugle |
10 |
576 |
Albizia julibrissin |
Silk Tree |
2 |
28 |
Albizia julibrissin 'Summer chocolate' |
Silk Tree |
23 |
1073 |
Alcea rosea |
Hollyhock |
11, 12 |
613 |
Alcea rosea 'Black Beauty' aka ''Rosea 'Nigra' |
Hollyhock 'Black Beauty' |
7, 17 |
614 |
Alchemilla mollis |
Lady's Mantle |
10 |
877 |
Allium 'Purple sensation' |
Allium |
10 |
578 |
Allium cepa |
Egyptian Walking Onion |
5 |
122 |
Allium subhirsutum |
Hairy Garlic |
24, 35 |
1082 |
Allium subhirsutum |
Hairy Garlic |
25 |
1131 |
Aloe castanea |
Cat's Tail Aloe |
22 |
1018 |
Aloe ‘Johnson’s Hybrid’ |
Aloe |
22, 23 |
768 |
Alstroemeria ligtu |
Alstroemeria |
5 |
888 |
Alyogyne huegelii |
Blue hibiscus |
10 |
1002 |
Amorpha californica |
California False Indigo |
20 |
info and more photos |
15 |
Amorphophallus spec |
umbrella arum |
10 |
1112 |
Anaphalis margaritacea |
Pearly Everlasting |
1, 2, 16 |
1 |
Anemone coronaria |
Blue Poppy Anemone |
10 |
1123 |
Anemone japonica |
Anemone |
9 |
943 |
Angelonia angustifolia |
angelface |
8, 10 |
1029 |
Anoda cristata |
Opal Cups 'Purple' |
10 |
1038 |
Anthriscus sylvestris 'Raven's Wing' |
Anthriscus |
23 |
780 |
Antirrhinum sp. |
Snapdragon (White) |
24, 25 |
824 |
Antirrhinum 'Black Prince' |
Snapdragon |
17, 21 |
734 |
Antirrhinum spec. |
Snapdraggon |
3, 5 |
113 |
Aquilegia 'Ruby Port' |
Columbine |
17 |
735 |
Aquilegia caerulea 'Crimson Star' |
Columbine |
21 |
933 |
Aquilegia caerulea 'Kristal' |
Columbine |
25 |
827 |
Aquilegia flavescens |
Yellow Columbine |
16 |
713 |
Aquilegia formosa |
Western Columbine |
7 |
info and more photos |
984 |
Aquilegia fragrans |
Fragrant Columbine |
25 |
825 |
Aquilegia spec. |
Yellow/red columbine |
7 |
191 |
Aquilegia viridiflora 'Chocolate Soldier' |
Chocolate Columbine |
21 |
104 |
Aquilegia vulgaris 'Black Beauty' |
Columbine |
13, 17 |
678 |
Arbutus unedo |
Strawberry tree |
5, 7, 20, 24 |
info and more photos |
123 |
Arbutus unedo |
Strawberry Tree |
20, 24 |
756 |
Arbutus unedo compacta |
Compact Strawberry Tree |
3 |
114 |
Arctostaphylos densiflora 'Howard Mcminn' |
Manzanita |
19 |
info and more photos |
925 |
Arctostaphylos edmundsii 'Carmel Sur' |
Manzanita 'Carmel Sur' |
17 |
info and more photos |
950 |
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi |
Kinnikinnick or Bearberry |
7 |
info and more photos |
178 |
Arctostaphylos viscida |
Whiteleaf Manzanita |
2 |
info and more photos |
906 |
Aristolochia californica |
Pipevine |
7 |
info and more photos |
179 |
Armeria maritima |
Sea Thrift |
8 |
878 |
Artemesia alba 'Canescens' |
Artemesia |
5 |
124 |
Artemisia 'Powis castle' |
Wormwood |
8, 4, 18 |
511 |
Artemisia abrotanum 'Tangerine' |
Tangerine Southernwood |
9 |
549 |
Artemisia californica |
California Sagebrush |
16 |
info and more photos |
711 |
Artemisia douglasiana |
Mugwort |
8 |
983 |
Artemisia ludoviciana 'Silver King' |
Artemisia ludoviciana 'Silver King' |
12 |
640 |
Arum italicum |
Lords-and-Ladies |
9 |
970 |
Asplenium spec |
Asplenium Fern |
13 |
1005 |
Aster cordifolius |
Blue Wood Aster |
10 |
581 |
Aster dumosus 'Sapphire' |
Aster |
20 |
1085 |
Aster novae-angliae 'Purple Dome' |
New-England Aster |
10, 18 |
582 |
Aster occidentalis |
Western Aster |
8 |
info and more photos |
504 |
Atriplex lentiformis |
Salt bush |
19 |
924 |
Babiana curbiscapa |
Babiana |
19 |
893 |
Baccharis pilularis |
Coyote Brush |
19 |
info and more photos |
915 |
Baccharis viminea |
Mule's Fat |
4 |
931 |
Ballota pseudodictamnus 'All Hallows Green' |
Ballota |
19 |
1016 |
Bambusa multiplex Alphonse Karr' |
Hedging bamboo |
3, 4, 7 |
37 |
Beetroot 'Bull's blood' |
Beetroot |
10, 12 |
615 |
Berberis thunbergii ‘Atropurpurea Crimson Pygmy’ |
Red leaved Barberry |
3, 5 |
38 |
Berberis thunbergii “Monlers” |
Yellow leaved Barberry |
3 |
39 |
Bergenia ciliata |
Hairy Bergenia |
11 |
616 |
Berlandiera lyrata |
Chocolate Flower |
16 |
1134 |
Beta vulgaris |
Swiss Chard |
17 |
1096 |
Bouteloua gracilis |
Eyebrow Grass |
19 |
info and more photos |
921 |
Bromelia spec. |
Bromelia |
13 |
1130 |
Bromeliad hybrid |
Bromeliad |
23 |
781 |
Buddleja davidii |
Butterfly Bush (white) |
7 |
972 |
Buddleja davidii |
Butterfly Bush (purple) |
9 |
971 |
Buddleja x weyeriana 'Honeycomb' |
Yellow Butterfly Bush |
7 |
194 |
Bulbine frutescens |
Bulbinella |
16 |
714 |
Buxus microphylla japonica |
Japanese Boxwood |
5, 10 |
585 |
Buxus sempervirens |
English Boxwood |
5, 10 |
898 |