General Plantlist from Victoria Garden,sorted by botanical name [C-E]
( 137 different plants)
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picture |
Botanical name |
Common name |
Borders |
| Id# |
Caesalpinia gilliesii |
Bird of paradise shrub |
5, 8, 21 |
127 |
Calendula officinalis |
Marigold apricot |
24 |
805 |
Calibrachoa 'Million Bells' |
Million bells |
21, 22, 23, 24 |
782 |
Callicarpa bodinieri 'Profusion' |
Profusion Beautyberry |
14 |
973 |
Calochortus luteus |
Gold Nuggets |
24 |
806 |
Calycanthus occidentalis |
Western Spice Bush |
2, 12 |
info and more photos |
632 |
Camellia spec. |
Camellia |
3 |
41 |
Campanula garganica |
Bellflower |
8 |
881 |
Campsis radicans |
Trumpet Creeper (dark orange |
7 |
807 |
Campsis radicans |
Trumpet Vine (yellow) |
24 |
196 |
Cana hybrid |
Indian shot |
5 |
128 |
Cana hybrid |
Cana |
7 |
895 |
Cana x generalis 'Optical Sunrise' |
Cana |
14 |
1093 |
Canna 'Warscewiczii' |
Canna |
5 |
894 |
Canna x generalis 'Paprika' |
Canna |
23 |
783 |
Canna x generalis 'Wyoming' |
Canna Lily |
21 |
769 |
Carex buchananii 'Red Fox' |
Leatherleaf Sedge |
3, 5, 23 |
129 |
Carex comans 'Bronze' |
New Zealand Hair Sedge |
16, 21, 23 |
715 |
Carex flagellifera |
Copperleaf Sedge |
7 |
215 |
Carex testacea |
Orange New Zealand Sedge |
3, 5, 7 |
44 |
Carpenteria californica |
Bush Anemone |
14 |
info and more photos |
961 |
Caryopteris clandonensis 'Longwood Blue' |
Longwood Blue Wood Mist |
8 |
514 |
Caryopteris clandonensis 'Worcester Gold' |
Golden Blue Mist |
7, 20 |
199 |
Catalpa x erubescens 'Purpurea' |
Purple Catalpa |
23 |
886 |
Ceanothus 'Frosty blue' |
California Lilac |
7 |
info and more photos |
180 |
Ceanothus 'Ray Hartman' |
California Lilac |
7 |
info and more photos |
181 |
Ceanothus lemmonii |
Trinity Ceanothus |
19 |
info and more photos |
926 |
Ceanothus thyrsiflorus 'Skylark' |
Blue Mountain Lilac |
7 |
932 |
Ceanothus thyrsifolia x americana 'Tuxedo' |
California Lilac |
24 |
826 |
Centaurea montana |
Mountain Bluet |
20 |
759 |
Centranthus alba |
White Jupiter's Beard |
24 |
808 |
Cephalanthus occidentalis |
Buttonwillow |
6 |
1046 |
Cephalaria gigantea |
Giant Yellow Scabiosa |
7, 16 |
200 |
Cerastium tomentosum |
Snow-In-Summer |
8 |
952 |
Ceratostigma plumbaginoides |
Dwarf Plumbago |
8, 18 |
544 |
Ceratotheca triloba |
South African Foxglove |
24, 25 |
1091 |
Cercis canadensis |
Eastern Redbud |
10 |
587 |
Cercis occidentalis |
Western Redbud |
14 |
info and more photos |
18 |
Cereus peruvianus monstrose 'Rojo' |
Curiousity Plant |
11 |
1003 |
Chaenomeles speciosa |
Flowering Quince |
14 |
1133 |
Chionochloa rubra |
Red Tussock Grass |
3 |
43 |
Chrysanthemum 'Hillside Sheffield Pink’ |
Hardy Garden Mums |
8 |
515 |
Chrysanthemum hybrid |
Garden Mums |
5, 11, 12, 17 |
133 |
Chrysanthemum hybrid |
Low growing pink garden mums |
21 |
770 |
Chrysanthemum pacificum |
Gold and Silver Chrysanthemum |
5, 16 |
131 |
Chrysanthemum parthenium |
feverfew |
12 |
1075 |
Chrysanthemum parthenium 'Aureum' |
Golden Feverfew |
7, 10, 16, 23 |
201 |
Chrysanthemum ptarmiciflorum |
Dusty Miller |
8 |
516 |
Chrysanthemum superbum 'Esther Read' |
Double Shasta daisy |
12 |
646 |
Chrysocephalum apiculatum |
Flambe Yellow |
16 |
718 |
Cistus 'Sunset' |
Rockrose' |
4, 20 |
75 |
Cistus aguilari “Blanche” |
Rockrose (white) |
4, 12 |
76 |
Cistus skanbergi |
Coral Rockrose |
2 |
29 |
Citrus orange |
Washington Navel Orange |
15 |
699 |
Cleome hassleriana |
Spider Flower |
8 |
1045 |
Clerodendrum bungei |
Cashmere Bouquet |
9 |
551 |
Clerodendrum trichotomum |
Harlequin Glorybower |
13 |
246 |
Colchicum autumnale |
Autumn Crocus |
9 |
1095 |
Colocasia esculenta |
Elephant's Ear |
23 |
784 |
Convolvulus cneorum |
Bush Morning Glory |
12 |
843 |
Coprosma 'Roy's Red' |
Red Mirror Plant |
5 |
986 |
Coreopsis grandiflora |
Largeflower Tickseed |
16, 23 |
885 |
Coreopsis spec. |
Tickseed |
8, 16, 23 |
517 |
coreopsis verticillata |
Threadleaf Tickseed |
23 |
1021 |
Cornus kousa |
Dogwood |
2, 23 |
689 |
Correa pulchella 'Alba' |
Australian fuchsia |
12 |
648 |
Cosmos bipinnatus 'Sonata Dwarf Ladybird Mix' |
Cosmos |
23 |
1077 |
Cosmos bipinnatus 'Sonata' |
Cosmos |
24, 25 |
1023 |
Cotinus coggygria |
Purple Smoke Bush |
14 |
842 |
Cotula hispida 'Silver Mound' |
Brass Buttons |
12 |
650 |
Crassula ovata |
Jade Plant |
11 |
1039 |
Crocosmia 'Lucifer' |
Montbretia |
3 |
134 |
Crocus spec |
Snow Crocus |
14 |
1128 |
Cryptomium spec. |
Cryptonmium fern |
13 |
1004 |
Cuphea ignea |
Sigar Plant |
22 |
1020 |
Cupressus spec. |
Cypress |
2 |
30 |
Cymbalaria muralis |
Kenilworth Ivy |
9, 10 |
968 |
Cynara cardunculus |
Cardoon |
7, 10, 16, 18 |
204 |
Cynara scolymus |
Artichoke |
7, 10 |
590 |
Cyperus involucratus |
Papyrus |
6, 7 |
205 |
Delosperma spec. |
Ice Plant |
5, 23 |
844 |
Delphinium ajacis |
Annual Larkspur |
18, 21 |
880 |
Deschampsia caespitosa 'Northern Light' |
Tufted Hair Grass |
23 |
981 |
Dianthus 'Amazon Rose Magic' |
Dianthus |
11 |
617 |
Dianthus 'Dynasty Rose Lace' |
Dynasty Rose Lace Sweet William |
11 |
619 |
Dianthus 'Inchmery' |
Garden Pink |
25 |
828 |
Dianthus barbatus 'Amazon Neon Purple' |
Sweet William |
9 |
1072 |
Dianthus barbatus nigricans |
Dianthus |
17, 21 |
736 |
Dianthus caryophyllus 'Can Can Scarlet' |
Carnation |
5 |
136 |
Dianthus chinensis 'Crimson Charm' |
Pinks |
17 |
738 |
Dianthus superbus |
Fringed Pink |
9, 10 |
591 |
Diascia integerrima |
White Twinspur |
12 |
651 |
Diascia integerrima |
Orange Twinspur |
23 |
875 |
Diascia integerrima 'Wink Pink' |
Twinspur 'Wink Pink' |
8, 9 |
953 |
Dicentra formosa |
Bleeding Heart |
9 |
info and more photos |
927 |
Dichelostemma multiflorum |
Wild Hyacinth |
0 |
907 |
Dicksonia antarctica |
Tree Fern |
13 |
1074 |
Dietes spec. |
Fortnight Iris |
4 |
46 |
Digitalis ferruginea 'Gigantea Rusty Foxglove' |
Foxglove |
23 |
786 |
Digitalis parviflora |
Spanish Foxglove |
17 |
739 |
Digitalis purpurea "Snow Thimble" |
Foxglove |
24 |
809 |
Digitalis purpurea 'Dedalera' |
Purple Foxglove |
9, 16 |
552 |
Diospyros kaki |
Fuyu/Jiro Persimmon |
7 |
206 |
Diplacus puniceus |
Red Monkey Flower |
5 |
info and more photos |
138 |
Dodecatheon Hendersonii |
Shooting star |
2 |
19 |
Dolichos lablab |
Hyacinth Bean Vine |
20 |
1055 |
Dorycnium hirsutum |
Hairy Canary Clover |
9 |
553 |
Dudleya farinosa |
Bluff Lettuce |
16 |
911 |
Duranta erecta 'Sapphire Showers' |
Skyflower |
7 |
1001 |
Echeveria hybrid |
Echeveria |
5, 7, 21 |
139 |
Echinacea purpurea |
Purple Coneflower |
11 |
620 |
Elaeocarpus decipiens |
Japanese Blueberry |
16 |
1078 |
Equisetum hyemale |
Horsetail |
6 |
1089 |
Erigeron karvinskianus |
Santa Barbara Daisy |
12 |
info and more photos |
633 |
Eriobotrya japonica |
Loquat or Japanese Plum Tree |
16 |
719 |
Eriogonum latifolium |
Coastal Buckwheat |
12 |
1026 |
Eriogonum umbellatum |
Sulfur Buckwheat |
8 |
info and more photos |
505 |
Erodium pelargoniflorum 'Sweethart' |
Storks Bill |
12, 25 |
659 |
Erodium texanum |
Texas Stork's Bill |
7 |
1090 |
Erysimum linifolium 'Variegatum' |
Variegated Wallflower |
8, 11 |
518 |
Erysimum x allionii |
Wall Flower |
5, 17 |
740 |
Escallonia matsuda's compacta |
Compact escallonia |
17 |
741 |
Escallonia spec. |
Escallonia |
7 |
994 |
Eschscholzia californica |
California Poppy |
4, 5, 7, 16, 17 |
info and more photos |
610 |
Eucomis autumnalis |
Pineapple Lily |
16 |
720 |
Euonymus japonica 'Microphylla' |
Dwarf Boxleaf |
24 |
810 |
Euonymus microphylla variegata |
Dwarf Variegated Boxleaf |
8, 12 |
652 |
Euphorbia 'Blackbird' |
Euphorbia |
3, 17 |
742 |
Euphorbia 'Diamond Frost' |
Euphorbia |
24 |
811 |
Euphorbia 'Tasmanian Tiger' |
Variegated Spurge |
12 |
653 |
Euphorbia characias |
Euphorbia |
3, 24 |
48 |
Euphorbia characius 'Portugese Velvet' |
Euphorbia |
7 |
207 |
Euphorbia cyparissas 'Fensruby' |
Cypress Spurge |
7 |
208 |
Euphorbia polychroma |
Euphorbia |
7 |
850 |
Euphorbia rigida |
Euphorbia |
7 |
209 |
Euphorbia seedling |
Euphorbia |
21 |
909 |
Euryops pectinatus |
Yellow Bush Daisy |
5 |
141 |