picture |
Botanical name |
Common name |
Borders |
| Id# |
Abelia grandiflora |
Glossy abelia |
12 |
info and more photos |
637 |
Abelia x grandiflora 'Edward Goucher' |
Glossy Abelia |
10 |
info and more photos |
1092 |
Abelmoschus manihot |
Hibiscus manihot |
24 |
1098 |
Abutilon pictum |
Flowering Maple |
5 |
info and more photos |
779 |
Acanthus mollis |
Bear's Breeches |
10, 13 |
info and more photos |
575 |
Acca sellowiana |
Pineapple Guava |
19 |
755 |
Acer negundo californicum |
California Box Elder |
2 |
963 |
Acer palmatum |
Japanese Maple |
13 |
676 |
Acer palmatum 'Burgundy Lace', |
Japanese Maple |
9 |
967 |
Acer palmatum dissectum |
Japanese Maple |
13 |
991 |
Acer palmatum dissectum atropurpureum 'Garnet' |
Japanese Maple |
13 |
677 |
Achillea millefolium |
Common Yarrow |
7, 9, 10 |
177 |
Achillea ptarmica ‘The Pearl Superior’ |
Yarrow |
12 |
638 |
Achillea spec. |
Yarrow (Dark red ) |
5 |
120 |
Acorus gramineus 'Ogon' |
Japanese Sweet Flag |
13 |
996 |
Aeonium arboreum atropurpureum 'Zwartkop' |
Aeonium |
5 |
993 |
Aesculus californica |
California Buckeye |
0 |
info and more photos |
901 |
Agapanthus spec. |
Lily-of-the-Nile (blue flower) |
4 |
72 |
Agapanthus spec. |
Lily-of-the-Nile (white flower) |
12 |
852 |
Agastache 'Apricot Sunrise' |
Hummingbird Hyssop |
24 |
508 |
Agave Americana |
Agave |
1 |
6 |
Agave Americana 'variegata' |
Variegated Agave |
1 |
7 |
Agave ocahui |
Agave |
22 |
1019 |
Ajuga genevensis |
Blue Bugleweed |
20 |
969 |
Ajuga reptans 'Burgundy Glow' |
Carpet Bungle |
18 |
1135 |
Ajuga reptans 'Catlin's Giant' |
Carpet Bugle |
10 |
576 |
Albizia julibrissin |
Silk Tree |
2 |
28 |
Albizia julibrissin 'Summer chocolate' |
Silk Tree |
23 |
1073 |
Alcea rosea |
Hollyhock |
11, 12 |
613 |
Alcea rosea 'Black Beauty' aka ''Rosea 'Nigra' |
Hollyhock 'Black Beauty' |
7, 17 |
614 |
Alchemilla mollis |
Lady's Mantle |
10 |
877 |
Allium 'Purple sensation' |
Allium |
10 |
578 |
Allium cepa |
Egyptian Walking Onion |
5 |
122 |
Allium subhirsutum |
Hairy Garlic |
24, 35 |
1082 |
Allium subhirsutum |
Hairy Garlic |
25 |
1131 |
Aloe castanea |
Cat's Tail Aloe |
22 |
1018 |
Aloe ‘Johnson’s Hybrid’ |
Aloe |
22, 23 |
768 |
Alstroemeria ligtu |
Alstroemeria |
5 |
888 |
Alyogyne huegelii |
Blue hibiscus |
10 |
1002 |
Amorpha californica |
California False Indigo |
20 |
info and more photos |
15 |
Amorphophallus spec |
umbrella arum |
10 |
1112 |
Anaphalis margaritacea |
Pearly Everlasting |
1, 2, 16 |
1 |
Anemone coronaria |
Blue Poppy Anemone |
10 |
1123 |
Anemone japonica |
Anemone |
9 |
943 |
Angelonia angustifolia |
angelface |
8, 10 |
1029 |
Anoda cristata |
Opal Cups 'Purple' |
10 |
1038 |
Anthriscus sylvestris 'Raven's Wing' |
Anthriscus |
23 |
780 |
Antirrhinum sp. |
Snapdragon (White) |
24, 25 |
824 |
Antirrhinum 'Black Prince' |
Snapdragon |
17, 21 |
734 |
Antirrhinum spec. |
Snapdraggon |
3, 5 |
113 |
Aquilegia 'Ruby Port' |
Columbine |
17 |
735 |
Aquilegia caerulea 'Crimson Star' |
Columbine |
21 |
933 |
Aquilegia caerulea 'Kristal' |
Columbine |
25 |
827 |
Aquilegia flavescens |
Yellow Columbine |
16 |
713 |
Aquilegia formosa |
Western Columbine |
7 |
info and more photos |
984 |
Aquilegia fragrans |
Fragrant Columbine |
25 |
825 |
Aquilegia spec. |
Yellow/red columbine |
7 |
191 |
Aquilegia viridiflora 'Chocolate Soldier' |
Chocolate Columbine |
21 |
104 |
Aquilegia vulgaris 'Black Beauty' |
Columbine |
13, 17 |
678 |
Arbutus unedo |
Strawberry tree |
5, 7, 20, 24 |
info and more photos |
123 |
Arbutus unedo |
Strawberry Tree |
20, 24 |
756 |
Arbutus unedo compacta |
Compact Strawberry Tree |
3 |
114 |
Arctostaphylos densiflora 'Howard Mcminn' |
Manzanita |
19 |
info and more photos |
925 |
Arctostaphylos edmundsii 'Carmel Sur' |
Manzanita 'Carmel Sur' |
17 |
info and more photos |
950 |
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi |
Kinnikinnick or Bearberry |
7 |
info and more photos |
178 |
Arctostaphylos viscida |
Whiteleaf Manzanita |
2 |
info and more photos |
906 |
Aristolochia californica |
Pipevine |
7 |
info and more photos |
179 |
Armeria maritima |
Sea Thrift |
8 |
878 |
Artemesia alba 'Canescens' |
Artemesia |
5 |
124 |
Artemisia 'Powis castle' |
Wormwood |
8, 4, 18 |
511 |
Artemisia abrotanum 'Tangerine' |
Tangerine Southernwood |
9 |
549 |
Artemisia californica |
California Sagebrush |
16 |
info and more photos |
711 |
Artemisia douglasiana |
Mugwort |
8 |
983 |
Artemisia ludoviciana 'Silver King' |
Artemisia ludoviciana 'Silver King' |
12 |
640 |
Arum italicum |
Lords-and-Ladies |
9 |
970 |
Asplenium spec |
Asplenium Fern |
13 |
1005 |
Aster cordifolius |
Blue Wood Aster |
10 |
581 |
Aster dumosus 'Sapphire' |
Aster |
20 |
1085 |
Aster novae-angliae 'Purple Dome' |
New-England Aster |
10, 18 |
582 |
Aster occidentalis |
Western Aster |
8 |
info and more photos |
504 |
Atriplex lentiformis |
Salt bush |
19 |
924 |
Babiana curbiscapa |
Babiana |
19 |
893 |
Baccharis pilularis |
Coyote Brush |
19 |
info and more photos |
915 |
Baccharis viminea |
Mule's Fat |
4 |
931 |
Ballota pseudodictamnus 'All Hallows Green' |
Ballota |
19 |
1016 |
Bambusa multiplex Alphonse Karr' |
Hedging bamboo |
3, 4, 7 |
37 |
Beetroot 'Bull's blood' |
Beetroot |
10, 12 |
615 |
Berberis thunbergii ‘Atropurpurea Crimson Pygmy’ |
Red leaved Barberry |
3, 5 |
38 |
Berberis thunbergii “Monlers” |
Yellow leaved Barberry |
3 |
39 |
Bergenia ciliata |
Hairy Bergenia |
11 |
616 |
Berlandiera lyrata |
Chocolate Flower |
16 |
1134 |
Beta vulgaris |
Swiss Chard |
17 |
1096 |
Bouteloua gracilis |
Eyebrow Grass |
19 |
info and more photos |
921 |
Bromelia spec. |
Bromelia |
13 |
1130 |
Bromeliad hybrid |
Bromeliad |
23 |
781 |
Buddleja davidii |
Butterfly Bush (white) |
7 |
972 |
Buddleja davidii |
Butterfly Bush (purple) |
9 |
971 |
Buddleja x weyeriana 'Honeycomb' |
Yellow Butterfly Bush |
7 |
194 |
Bulbine frutescens |
Bulbinella |
16 |
714 |
Buxus microphylla japonica |
Japanese Boxwood |
5, 10 |
585 |
Buxus sempervirens |
English Boxwood |
5, 10 |
898 |
Caesalpinia gilliesii |
Bird of paradise shrub |
5, 8, 21 |
127 |
Calendula officinalis |
Marigold apricot |
24 |
805 |
Calibrachoa 'Million Bells' |
Million bells |
21, 22, 23, 24 |
782 |
Callicarpa bodinieri 'Profusion' |
Profusion Beautyberry |
14 |
973 |
Calochortus luteus |
Gold Nuggets |
24 |
806 |
Calycanthus occidentalis |
Western Spice Bush |
2, 12 |
info and more photos |
632 |
Camellia spec. |
Camellia |
3 |
41 |
Campanula garganica |
Bellflower |
8 |
881 |
Campsis radicans |
Trumpet Creeper (dark orange |
7 |
807 |
Campsis radicans |
Trumpet Vine (yellow) |
24 |
196 |
Cana hybrid |
Indian shot |
5 |
128 |
Cana hybrid |
Cana |
7 |
895 |
Cana x generalis 'Optical Sunrise' |
Cana |
14 |
1093 |
Canna 'Warscewiczii' |
Canna |
5 |
894 |
Canna x generalis 'Paprika' |
Canna |
23 |
783 |
Canna x generalis 'Wyoming' |
Canna Lily |
21 |
769 |
Carex buchananii 'Red Fox' |
Leatherleaf Sedge |
3, 5, 23 |
129 |
Carex comans 'Bronze' |
New Zealand Hair Sedge |
16, 21, 23 |
715 |
Carex flagellifera |
Copperleaf Sedge |
7 |
215 |
Carex testacea |
Orange New Zealand Sedge |
3, 5, 7 |
44 |
Carpenteria californica |
Bush Anemone |
14 |
info and more photos |
961 |
Caryopteris clandonensis 'Longwood Blue' |
Longwood Blue Wood Mist |
8 |
514 |
Caryopteris clandonensis 'Worcester Gold' |
Golden Blue Mist |
7, 20 |
199 |
Catalpa x erubescens 'Purpurea' |
Purple Catalpa |
23 |
886 |
Ceanothus 'Frosty blue' |
California Lilac |
7 |
info and more photos |
180 |
Ceanothus 'Ray Hartman' |
California Lilac |
7 |
info and more photos |
181 |
Ceanothus lemmonii |
Trinity Ceanothus |
19 |
info and more photos |
926 |
Ceanothus thyrsiflorus 'Skylark' |
Blue Mountain Lilac |
7 |
932 |
Ceanothus thyrsifolia x americana 'Tuxedo' |
California Lilac |
24 |
826 |
Centaurea montana |
Mountain Bluet |
20 |
759 |
Centranthus alba |
White Jupiter's Beard |
24 |
808 |
Cephalanthus occidentalis |
Buttonwillow |
6 |
1046 |
Cephalaria gigantea |
Giant Yellow Scabiosa |
7, 16 |
200 |
Cerastium tomentosum |
Snow-In-Summer |
8 |
952 |
Ceratostigma plumbaginoides |
Dwarf Plumbago |
8, 18 |
544 |
Ceratotheca triloba |
South African Foxglove |
24, 25 |
1091 |
Cercis canadensis |
Eastern Redbud |
10 |
587 |
Cercis occidentalis |
Western Redbud |
14 |
info and more photos |
18 |
Cereus peruvianus monstrose 'Rojo' |
Curiousity Plant |
11 |
1003 |
Chaenomeles speciosa |
Flowering Quince |
14 |
1133 |
Chionochloa rubra |
Red Tussock Grass |
3 |
43 |
Chrysanthemum 'Hillside Sheffield Pink’ |
Hardy Garden Mums |
8 |
515 |
Chrysanthemum hybrid |
Garden Mums |
5, 11, 12, 17 |
133 |
Chrysanthemum hybrid |
Low growing pink garden mums |
21 |
770 |
Chrysanthemum pacificum |
Gold and Silver Chrysanthemum |
5, 16 |
131 |
Chrysanthemum parthenium |
feverfew |
12 |
1075 |
Chrysanthemum parthenium 'Aureum' |
Golden Feverfew |
7, 10, 16, 23 |
201 |
Chrysanthemum ptarmiciflorum |
Dusty Miller |
8 |
516 |
Chrysanthemum superbum 'Esther Read' |
Double Shasta daisy |
12 |
646 |
Chrysocephalum apiculatum |
Flambe Yellow |
16 |
718 |
Cistus 'Sunset' |
Rockrose' |
4, 20 |
75 |
Cistus aguilari “Blanche” |
Rockrose (white) |
4, 12 |
76 |
Cistus skanbergi |
Coral Rockrose |
2 |
29 |
Citrus orange |
Washington Navel Orange |
15 |
699 |
Cleome hassleriana |
Spider Flower |
8 |
1045 |
Clerodendrum bungei |
Cashmere Bouquet |
9 |
551 |
Clerodendrum trichotomum |
Harlequin Glorybower |
13 |
246 |
Colchicum autumnale |
Autumn Crocus |
9 |
1095 |
Colocasia esculenta |
Elephant's Ear |
23 |
784 |
Convolvulus cneorum |
Bush Morning Glory |
12 |
843 |
Coprosma 'Roy's Red' |
Red Mirror Plant |
5 |
986 |
Coreopsis grandiflora |
Largeflower Tickseed |
16, 23 |
885 |
Coreopsis spec. |
Tickseed |
8, 16, 23 |
517 |
coreopsis verticillata |
Threadleaf Tickseed |
23 |
1021 |
Cornus kousa |
Dogwood |
2, 23 |
689 |
Correa pulchella 'Alba' |
Australian fuchsia |
12 |
648 |
Cosmos bipinnatus 'Sonata Dwarf Ladybird Mix' |
Cosmos |
23 |
1077 |
Cosmos bipinnatus 'Sonata' |
Cosmos |
24, 25 |
1023 |
Cotinus coggygria |
Purple Smoke Bush |
14 |
842 |
Cotula hispida 'Silver Mound' |
Brass Buttons |
12 |
650 |
Crassula ovata |
Jade Plant |
11 |
1039 |
Crocosmia 'Lucifer' |
Montbretia |
3 |
134 |
Crocus spec |
Snow Crocus |
14 |
1128 |
Cryptomium spec. |
Cryptonmium fern |
13 |
1004 |
Cuphea ignea |
Sigar Plant |
22 |
1020 |
Cupressus spec. |
Cypress |
2 |
30 |
Cymbalaria muralis |
Kenilworth Ivy |
9, 10 |
968 |
Cynara cardunculus |
Cardoon |
7, 10, 16, 18 |
204 |
Cynara scolymus |
Artichoke |
7, 10 |
590 |
Cyperus involucratus |
Papyrus |
6, 7 |
205 |
Delosperma spec. |
Ice Plant |
5, 23 |
844 |
Delphinium ajacis |
Annual Larkspur |
18, 21 |
880 |
Deschampsia caespitosa 'Northern Light' |
Tufted Hair Grass |
23 |
981 |
Dianthus 'Amazon Rose Magic' |
Dianthus |
11 |
617 |
Dianthus 'Dynasty Rose Lace' |
Dynasty Rose Lace Sweet William |
11 |
619 |
Dianthus 'Inchmery' |
Garden Pink |
25 |
828 |
Dianthus barbatus 'Amazon Neon Purple' |
Sweet William |
9 |
1072 |
Dianthus barbatus nigricans |
Dianthus |
17, 21 |
736 |
Dianthus caryophyllus 'Can Can Scarlet' |
Carnation |
5 |
136 |
Dianthus chinensis 'Crimson Charm' |
Pinks |
17 |
738 |
Dianthus superbus |
Fringed Pink |
9, 10 |
591 |
Diascia integerrima |
White Twinspur |
12 |
651 |
Diascia integerrima |
Orange Twinspur |
23 |
875 |
Diascia integerrima 'Wink Pink' |
Twinspur 'Wink Pink' |
8, 9 |
953 |
Dicentra formosa |
Bleeding Heart |
9 |
info and more photos |
927 |
Dichelostemma multiflorum |
Wild Hyacinth |
0 |
907 |
Dicksonia antarctica |
Tree Fern |
13 |
1074 |
Dietes spec. |
Fortnight Iris |
4 |
46 |
Digitalis ferruginea 'Gigantea Rusty Foxglove' |
Foxglove |
23 |
786 |
Digitalis parviflora |
Spanish Foxglove |
17 |
739 |
Digitalis purpurea "Snow Thimble" |
Foxglove |
24 |
809 |
Digitalis purpurea 'Dedalera' |
Purple Foxglove |
9, 16 |
552 |
Diospyros kaki |
Fuyu/Jiro Persimmon |
7 |
206 |
Diplacus puniceus |
Red Monkey Flower |
5 |
info and more photos |
138 |
Dodecatheon Hendersonii |
Shooting star |
2 |
19 |
Dolichos lablab |
Hyacinth Bean Vine |
20 |
1055 |
Dorycnium hirsutum |
Hairy Canary Clover |
9 |
553 |
Dudleya farinosa |
Bluff Lettuce |
16 |
911 |
Duranta erecta 'Sapphire Showers' |
Skyflower |
7 |
1001 |
Echeveria hybrid |
Echeveria |
5, 7, 21 |
139 |
Echinacea purpurea |
Purple Coneflower |
11 |
620 |
Elaeocarpus decipiens |
Japanese Blueberry |
16 |
1078 |
Equisetum hyemale |
Horsetail |
6 |
1089 |
Erigeron karvinskianus |
Santa Barbara Daisy |
12 |
info and more photos |
633 |
Eriobotrya japonica |
Loquat or Japanese Plum Tree |
16 |
719 |
Eriogonum latifolium |
Coastal Buckwheat |
12 |
1026 |
Eriogonum umbellatum |
Sulfur Buckwheat |
8 |
info and more photos |
505 |
Erodium pelargoniflorum 'Sweethart' |
Storks Bill |
12, 25 |
659 |
Erodium texanum |
Texas Stork's Bill |
7 |
1090 |
Erysimum linifolium 'Variegatum' |
Variegated Wallflower |
8, 11 |
518 |
Erysimum x allionii |
Wall Flower |
5, 17 |
740 |
Escallonia matsuda's compacta |
Compact escallonia |
17 |
741 |
Escallonia spec. |
Escallonia |
7 |
994 |
Eschscholzia californica |
California Poppy |
4, 5, 7, 16, 17 |
info and more photos |
610 |
Eucomis autumnalis |
Pineapple Lily |
16 |
720 |
Euonymus japonica 'Microphylla' |
Dwarf Boxleaf |
24 |
810 |
Euonymus microphylla variegata |
Dwarf Variegated Boxleaf |
8, 12 |
652 |
Euphorbia 'Blackbird' |
Euphorbia |
3, 17 |
742 |
Euphorbia 'Diamond Frost' |
Euphorbia |
24 |
811 |
Euphorbia 'Tasmanian Tiger' |
Variegated Spurge |
12 |
653 |
Euphorbia characias |
Euphorbia |
3, 24 |
48 |
Euphorbia characius 'Portugese Velvet' |
Euphorbia |
7 |
207 |
Euphorbia cyparissas 'Fensruby' |
Cypress Spurge |
7 |
208 |
Euphorbia polychroma |
Euphorbia |
7 |
850 |
Euphorbia rigida |
Euphorbia |
7 |
209 |
Euphorbia seedling |
Euphorbia |
21 |
909 |
Euryops pectinatus |
Yellow Bush Daisy |
5 |
141 |
Fatsia japonica |
Japanese Aralia |
7 |
210 |
fern hybrid |
fern |
10 |
1031 |
Festuca idahoensis 'Siskiyou Blue' |
Idaho Fescue Grass |
19 |
info and more photos |
922 |
Ficus carica |
Edible fig |
14 |
690 |
Foeniculum vulgare |
Green Fennel |
8 |
519 |
Foeniculum vulgare 'Purpurea' |
Bronze Fennel |
7, 11 |
211 |
Fraxinus latifolia |
Oregon Ash |
2 |
962 |
Freesia hybrid |
Freesia |
12 |
654 |
Fremontodendron californicum |
Flannelbush or Fremontia |
15 |
info and more photos |
903 |
Fritillaria imperialis 'Red' |
Crown Imperial |
17 |
1108 |
Gaillardia 'Grandiflora Burgundy' |
Blanket Flower |
23 |
788 |
Gaillardia hybrid |
Blanket Flower Yellow |
16 |
721 |
Galtonia regalis |
Galtonia |
24 |
802 |
Gardenia augusta |
Standard Gardenia |
12 |
655 |
Gardenia jasminoides 'August Beauty' |
Gardenia |
13 |
681 |
Gaura lindheimeri 'Corrie's Gold' |
Variegated Gaura |
12 |
868 |
Gazania spec. |
Gazania |
3, 25 |
49 |
Gelsemium sempervirens () |
Carolina Jessamine |
5 |
143 |
Geranium cantabrigiense 'Biokovo' |
Geranium |
12 |
658 |
Geranium macrorrhizum |
Bigroot Geranium |
11 |
989 |
Geranium magnificum 'Johnson's Blue' |
Geranium |
7, 10 |
1032 |
Geranium pyrenaicum 'Bill Wallis' |
Cranesbil |
20 |
760 |
Geranium sanguineum 'Vision Light Pink' |
Hardy Geranium |
9, 11 |
554 |
Geranium sanguineum 'Vision Purple' |
Hardy Geranium |
10 |
592 |
Gerbera jamesonii |
Gerbera daisies |
3, 8, 21, 25 |
771 |
Geum coccineum 'Mango Lassi' |
Geum |
5 |
908 |
Geum spec. |
Geum |
23 |
789 |
Ginkgo biloba |
Ginkgo, maidenhair tree |
4 |
80 |
Glaucium flavum aurantiacum |
Horned poppy |
16, 21 |
107 |
Grevillea juniperina Molonglo |
Grevillea Molonglo |
16 |
724 |
Grevillea spec. |
Grevillea |
1 |
8 |
Haloragis “Wellington Bronze” |
Haloragis |
3, 5, 9 |
50 |
Hebe spec. |
Hebe |
10 |
1000 |
Hedychium coronarium |
White Ornamental Ginger |
12 |
660 |
Helianthemum nummularium 'Dazzler' |
Sunrose |
17 |
743 |
Helianthus annuus 'Velvet Queen' |
Sun Flower |
24 |
1079 |
Helianthus maximilianii |
Perennial Sunflower |
7 |
213 |
Helianthus tuberosus |
Jerusalem artichoke |
7 |
956 |
Helleborus foetidus |
Bearsfoot Hellebore |
23 |
990 |
Helleborus orientalis |
Lenten Rose |
9, 10, 11 |
556 |
Hemerocallis 'Stella d'Oro' |
Dwarf Daylilly |
16 |
723 |
Hemerocallis spec. |
Daylily |
3, 5, 12, 21 |
51 |
Heracleum lanatum |
Cow Parsnip |
12 |
661 |
Heteromeles arbutifolia |
Toyon |
1, 2 |
info and more photos |
2 |
Heuchera micrantha |
Coral Bells |
10, 11, 17, 23 |
621 |
Heuchera micrantha 'Caramel' |
Coral Bells |
23 |
791 |
Heuchera micrantha var. diversifolia 'Palace Purple' |
Coral Bells |
10, 18, 21 |
897 |
Hibiscus eetveldeanus 'Red Shield' |
Hibiscus |
5 |
146 |
Hibiscus lasiocarpus |
Native Hibiscus |
12 |
634 |
Hibiscus moscheutos 'Luna White Swirl' |
Rose-Mallow |
12 |
662 |
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis |
Hibiscus |
17 |
792 |
Hibiscus syriacus |
Rose of sharon |
11 |
623 |
Hibiscus syriacus 'Red Heart' |
Rose of sharon |
12, 14 |
622 |
Houttuynia cordata |
Chameleon Plant |
10 |
892 |
Houttuynia cordata “Chameleon” |
Variegated Houttuynia |
6 |
173 |
Hyacinthoides non-scripta hybrid |
Bluebells |
10, 11 |
942 |
Hyacinthus orientalis |
Dutch Hyacinth |
10 |
594 |
Hybiscus mochuto 'red' |
hybiscus |
12 |
1094 |
Hydrangea macrophylla |
Mop Head Hydrangea |
13 |
624 |
Hydrangea macrophylla variegata |
Variegated hydrangea |
12 |
1064 |
Hydrangea quercifolia |
Oak Leaf Hydrangea |
13 |
1051 |
Hypericum calycinum |
Creeping St. John's wort |
1, 4 |
9 |
Ilex aquifolium 'Variegata' |
Variegaated English Holly |
12 |
958 |
Imperata C. Rubra 'Red Baron' |
Japanese Blood Grass |
11 |
625 |
Ipheion uniflorum |
Spring Starflower |
20 |
761 |
Ipomoea batatas |
Sweet Potato Vine |
10 |
1052 |
Iris douglasiana |
Pacific Coast Iris |
7, 5 |
info and more photos |
183 |
Iris ensata 'Henry's White' |
Japanese Iris |
3 |
52 |
Iris germanica |
Low dark blue Iris |
18, 19 |
945 |
Iris germanica 'Batik' |
Iris |
15 |
700 |
Iris germanica 'Exotic Isle' |
Iris |
10 |
1007 |
Iris germanica 'Firebreather' |
Iris |
23 |
1114 |
Iris germanica 'Fringe Benefit' |
Iris |
7 |
876 |
Iris germanica 'Spartan' |
Iris |
3 |
1113 |
Iris germanica 'Spiced Custard' |
Iris |
24 |
1129 |
Iris germanica 'Superstition' |
Bearded Iris |
18 |
746 |
Iris Germanica 'Supreme Sultan' |
Iris |
16 |
725 |
Iris germanica spec. |
Bearded Iris |
4, 7, 10 |
214 |
Iris Germanica “Unforgettable Fire” |
Iris |
3, 11 |
53 |
Iris pallida 'Albo Variegata' |
iris |
8 |
946 |
Iris pseudacorus |
Yellow Flag |
5, 6 |
147 |
Iris reticulata 'Purple Gem' |
Spring Iris |
10 |
595 |
Iris versicolor |
Blue Flag Iris |
6 |
1037 |
Iris x hollandica 'White Perfection' |
Dutch Iris |
25 |
1117 |
Juncus patens 'Carman's Gray' |
California Gray Rush |
2, 6 |
175 |
Kalanchoe beharensis |
Felt Plant |
22 |
111 |
Keckelia cordifolia |
Climbing Penstemon |
17 |
733 |
Kerria japonica 'Pleniflora' |
Double Kerria |
14 |
976 |
Knautia macedonica |
Crimson Scabious |
21 |
1022 |
Kniphofia citrina |
Red Hot Poker Yellow |
16 |
726 |
Kniphofia sp. |
Early flowering Red Hot Poker |
23 |
772 |
Kniphofia uvaria |
Red hot poker |
3, 7 |
54 |
Kniphofia uvaria 'Little Maid' |
Dwarf Red Hot Poker |
5 |
148 |
Lagerstroemia hybrid |
Crape Myrtle |
14 |
691 |
Lamium maculatum 'Pink Chablis' |
Spotted Nettle |
9 |
557 |
Lantana camara |
Lantana |
5 |
1044 |
Lantana montevidensis |
Lantana |
8 |
1043 |
lathyrus odoratus |
Sweet Pea |
12 |
1068 |
Laurus nobilis 'Saratoga' |
Sweet Bay |
7, 8, 9, 10, 17, 24 |
217 |
Lavandula 'Goodwin Greek Grey' |
Goodwin Greek Grey Lavender |
4, 8 |
521 |
Lavandula angustifolia 'Alba' |
Lavender |
15 |
701 |
Lavandula angustifolia 'Munstead' |
Lavender |
4 |
890 |
Lavandula intermedia 'Du Provence' |
Lavender |
15 |
702 |
Lavandula intermedia 'Fred Boutin' |
Lavender |
15 |
703 |
Lavandula intermedia 'Grosso' |
Lavender |
15 |
704 |
Lavandula spicca 'Rosea' |
Lavender |
2, 9, 15 |
558 |
Lavandula stoechas |
Lavender |
4, 7, 12 |
218 |
Lavandula X intermedia 'Alba' |
White Lavender |
4 |
83 |
Lavatera x clementii 'Barnsley' |
Tree mallow |
9, 11 |
884 |
Leonotis leonurus |
Lion's tail |
5 |
149 |
Lepechinia calyucina "Rocky Point' |
Pitcher Sage |
19 |
923 |
Leptinella squalida 'Platt's Black' |
Brass Buttons |
5 |
151 |
Leucojum aestivum |
Giant Showdrops |
8 |
1132 |
Libertia grandiflora |
New Zealand Iris |
13, 25 |
683 |
Ligustrum japonicum 'Texanum' |
Wax Leaf Ligustrum |
5 |
150 |
Lilium |
Oriental Lily |
23 |
1017 |
Lilium tigrinum |
Tiger Lily |
21 |
1081 |
Linaria purpurea 'Alba' |
Flax |
25 |
831 |
Linaria spec. |
Flax |
24 |
1025 |
Liriope muscari |
Lily Turf |
13 |
869 |
Liriope muscari 'Silvery Sunproof' |
Variegated Lily Turf |
13 |
684 |
Lithodora diffusa 'Grace Ward' |
Blue Lithospermum |
10 |
579 |
lobelia erinus |
Annual lobelia |
8, 10 |
1028 |
Lonicera fragrantissima |
Winter Honeysuckle |
14 |
837 |
Lonicera sempervirens |
Trumpet Honeysuckle |
7 |
220 |
Lornica ciliosa |
Western Trumpet |
23 |
793 |
Loropetalum chinense 'Purple Majesty' |
Chinese Fringe Flower |
2, 7 |
221 |
Lupinus albifrons |
Silver Bush Lupine |
18, 19 |
info and more photos |
905 |
Lychnis chalcedonica |
Maltese Cross |
17 |
744 |
Lychnis coronaria 'Atrosanguinea' |
Rose Campion |
9 |
560 |
Lycianthes rantonnetii |
Blue Potato Bush |
10 |
985 |
Lysimachia congestiflora 'Walkabout Sunset' |
Loosestrife |
23 |
794 |
Magnolia grandiflora |
Southern Magnolia |
4, 24 |
692 |
Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem' |
Dwarf Southern Magnolia |
5 |
152 |
Magnolia liliiflora 'Nigra' |
Lily-flowered Magnolia |
16, 24 |
693 |
Mahonia aquifolium |
Oregon Grape |
4 |
info and more photos |
919 |
Malva arborea 'Variegata' |
Variegated Tree Mallow |
8 |
1006 |
Melia azedarach |
Chinaberry |
12 |
1054 |
Melianthus major |
Honey bush |
5 |
153 |
Mimulus cardinalis |
Scarlet Monkey Flower |
10 |
333 |
Moluccella lamiaceae |
Bells of Ireland |
7, 16 |
222 |
Moraea huttonii |
Moraea or South African Iris |
16 |
727 |
Morus spec. |
Weeping Mulberry |
12 |
664 |
Muhlenbergia rigens |
Deer grass |
3 |
info and more photos |
36 |
Muscari armeniacum |
Blue Grape Hyacinths 'Blue Spike' |
18, 19 |
644 |
Muscari aucheri |
Blue Grape hyacinth |
10 |
583 |
Muscari latifolium |
Blue Grape hyacinth |
10, 18, 19 |
1106 |
Myrtus communis |
True Myrtle |
12 |
666 |
Nandina domestica |
Heavenly Bamboo |
3 |
55 |
Narcissus 'Hillstar' |
Daffodil |
24 |
1115 |
Narcissus 'Paper White' |
Dafodil |
12 |
957 |
Narcissus 'Tête à Tête |
Doffodil |
7 |
912 |
Narcissus 'Trepolo' |
Dafodil |
24 |
1119 |
Narcissus 'Yellow Cheerfulness |
Daffodil |
19 |
930 |
Narcissus bulbocodium 'Golden Bells' |
Daffodil |
16 |
1100 |
Narcissus Cyclamineus 'Jenny' |
Dafodil |
12, 15 |
859 |
Narcissus Cyclamineus 'Jetfire' |
Rockgarden Dafodill |
5, 7 |
860 |
Narcissus Double 'Obdam' |
Daffodil 'Dubble Obdam' |
25 |
642 |
Narcissus double 'Orangery' |
Dafodil |
22 |
1102 |
Narcissus double 'Pencrebar' |
Daffodil |
24 |
910 |
Narcissus Double 'Rosy Cloud' |
Daffodil 'Rosy Cloud' |
24 |
641 |
Narcissus Double 'Tahiti' |
dafodill |
7 |
861 |
Narcissus Double hybrid |
Dafodill |
12 |
862 |
narcissus Double hybrid |
Dafodil |
19, 16 |
944 |
Narcissus jonquilla 'Baby Moon' |
Dafodil |
16 |
1101 |
Narcissus Large Cup |
Dafodil |
2, 3, 4, 19 |
896 |
Narcissus Large Cup 'Easter Bonnet' |
dafodil |
4 |
863 |
Narcissus split cup ' Love Call' |
Dafodil |
8 |
1105 |
Narcissus split cup 'Apricot Whirl' |
Daffodil |
11 |
1103 |
Narcissus split cup 'Broadway Star' |
Dafodil |
7 |
1104 |
Narcissus Tazetta |
Daffodil |
4 |
77 |
Narcissus tazetta papyraceus |
Paperwhites |
8 |
1110 |
Nassella tenuissima |
Mexican Feather Grass |
5 |
154 |
nectaroscordum siculum |
Sicilian Honey Lily |
25 |
643 |
Nepeta spec. |
Catmint |
7, 10, 15, 20 |
224 |
Nepeta subsessilis |
Japanese Catmint |
8, 10, 11 |
1070 |
Nerium oleander |
Oleander |
2 |
33 |
Nicotiana 'Langsdorfii' |
Flowering Tobacco |
10 |
277 |
Nicotiana alata 'Crimson Bedder' |
Flowering Tobacco |
11, 21 |
1057 |
Nicotiana alata 'Crimson Bedder' |
Flowering Tobacco |
11, 25 |
1083 |
Nicotiana langsdorffii 'Hot Chocolate' |
Flowering Tobacco |
23 |
795 |
Nicotiana x sanderae 'Lime Green' |
Flowering Tobacco |
10 |
596 |
Nierembergia caerulea 'Purple Robe' |
Purple Robe Nierembergia |
10 |
278 |
Nigella sp. |
Love in the mist |
20 |
762 |
Nymphaea spec. |
Waterlily |
6 |
176 |
Nymphaea spec. |
Waterlily small yellow |
6 |
1013 |
Oenothera speciosa |
Evening Primrose |
20 |
1060 |
Olea europaea |
Olive |
7, 18 |
694 |
Origanum laevigatum 'Hopley's Purple' |
Ornamental Oregano |
10 |
279 |
Origanum vulgare 'Variegata' |
Variegated Marjoram |
8 |
523 |
Osteospermum hybrid |
African Daisy |
7, 25 |
226 |
Oxalis deppei 'Iron Cross' |
Shamrock |
9 |
865 |
Oxalis triangularis |
Shamrock |
9 |
864 |
Papaver atlanticum 'Flore Pleno' |
Papaver |
23 |
1009 |
Parahebe perfoliata |
Diggers speedwell |
7 |
228 |
Paulownia tomentosa |
Empress Tree |
14 |
999 |
Pavonia hastata |
Cape Mallow |
12, 24 |
667 |
Pedicularis densiflora |
Red lousewort |
2 |
23 |
Pelargonium different spec. |
Geranium |
3, 9 |
56 |
Pennisetum alopecuroides |
Fountain Grass |
15 |
705 |
Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Mody' |
Black Fountain Grass |
14, 24 |
813 |
Pennisetum setaceum 'Rubrum' |
Purple fountain grass |
4 |
158 |
Penstemon 'Husker Red Strain' |
Penstemon |
12 |
668 |
Penstemon 'Madera' |
Beardtongue |
10 |
1041 |
Penstemon Heterophyllus |
Foothill Penstemon |
19 |
info and more photos |
184 |
Penstemon mexicali 'Pikes Peak Purple' |
Beard Tongue |
18 |
747 |
Penstemon pinifolius 'Mersea Yellow' |
Yellow Pineleaf Penstemon |
8 |
524 |
Penstemon spec. |
Penstemon |
10, 11 |
1040 |
Pentagramma triangularis |
Goldback Fern |
13 |
645 |
Peony sp . |
Peony |
3, 11 |
57 |
Perovskia atriplicifolia |
Russian sage |
18, 19 |
748 |
Petroselinum neapolitanum |
Parsley |
23 |
1097 |
Petunia 'Wave Rose' |
Petunia |
21 |
882 |
Phlomis fruticosa |
Jerusalem Sage |
10, 15, 18 |
280 |
Phlomis lanata |
Jerusalem Sage |
16 |
729 |
Phlomis russeliana |
Jerusalem Sage |
7 |
227 |
Phlox paniculata 'David' |
Summer Phlox |
12 |
669 |
Phlox paniculata 'Ruby mine' |
Variegated Phlox |
9 |
562 |
Phlox subulata |
Creeping Phlox |
10, 11 |
948 |
Phormium tenax 'Amazing Red' |
New Zealand Flax |
21 |
773 |
Phormium tenax 'Rubrum' |
New Zealand Flax |
1, 3, 17, 25 |
11 |
Photinia spec. |
Photinia |
4 |
88 |
Phygelius x rectus 'African Queen', |
Cape Fuchsia |
9 |
966 |
Phygelius x rectus 'Moonraker' |
Cape Fuchsia |
24 |
812 |
Physocarpus capitatus |
Ninebark |
14 |
959 |
Physocarpus opulifolius 'Coppertina' |
Ninebark |
3 |
987 |
Physostegia 'Vivid' |
Obedient Plant |
8 |
525 |
Phytolacca americana |
Poke |
7, 17, 19 |
1047 |
Pittosporum tobira |
Japanese Mock Orange |
12 |
1053 |
Pittosporum tobira 'Variegata' |
Variegated Mock Orange |
11 |
627 |
Platycodon grandiflorus 'Fuji White' |
Balloon Flower |
25 |
832 |
Primula auricula "Abuelita" |
Primula |
21 |
774 |
Primula polianthus spec |
Primula |
7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 18, 19 |
283 |
Primula polyantha 'Victoriana Silver Lace' |
Primula |
21 |
775 |
Prunus cerasifera 'Purple Pony' |
Dwarf Flowering Plum |
16, 18 |
695 |
Prunus persica 'Galaxy' |
Donut Peach Tree |
7 |
229 |
Prunus spec. |
Plum |
14 |
697 |
Prunus triloba |
Double Flowering Plum |
11 |
836 |
Prunus virginiana |
Chokecherry |
7 |
185 |
Pseudosasa owatarii |
Dwarf Bamboo |
13 |
1066 |
Punica granatum |
Pomegranate |
12, 14 |
670 |
Punica granatum 'Nana' |
Dwarf Pomegranate |
7, 17 |
230 |
Pyracantha spec. |
Firethorn |
1, 7 |
10 |
Pyrus pyrifolia |
Asian Pear |
14 |
696 |
Quercus douglassii |
Blue Oak |
1, 2, 14 |
3 |
Quercus kelloggii |
Black Oak |
2 |
info and more photos |
25 |
Quercus wislizenii |
Interior live oak |
1, 2, 12, 14 |
4 |
Rhamnus alaternus |
Italian Buckthorn |
12, 20 |
749 |
Rhamnus crocea |
Spiny redberry |
19 |
info and more photos |
935 |
Rhaphiolepis indica 'Jack Evans' |
Hawthorn |
7 |
232 |
Rhaphiolepis umbellata 'Minor' |
Dwarf Yedda Hawthorn |
10 |
284 |
Rhododendron spec. |
Azalea’s |
2, 3, 13 |
34 |
Rhus integrifolia |
Lemonade Berry |
4 |
916 |
Rhus typhina |
Staghorn Sumac |
14 |
977 |
Rhus typhina 'Bailtiger' |
Staghorn Sumac |
23 |
980 |
Ribes aureum |
Golden Currant |
23 |
info and more photos |
796 |
Ricinus communis 'Carmencita' |
Red Castor Bean |
14, 19, 21, 23, 7 |
233 |
Rosa 'Flutterbye' |
Shrub Rose 'Flutterbye' |
7 |
547 |
Rosa 'Santana' |
Red climbing rose |
12 |
671 |
Rosa banksiae 'Lutea' |
Yellow Banks’Rose |
7 |
235 |
Rosa chinensis 'Mutabilis' |
Mutabilis Rose |
8, 17 |
975 |
Rosa cultv. 'The Shepherdess' |
English Rose 'The Shepherdess' |
9 |
565 |
Rosa culv.'The dark lady' |
English Shrub Rose 'The dark lady' |
9 |
564 |
Rosa Floribunda 'Angel Face' |
Angel Face Rose |
8, 13 |
527 |
Rosa floribunda 'Cherish' |
Rose 'Cherish' |
13 |
871 |
Rosa floribunda 'Cinco de Mayo' |
Rose 'Cinco de Mayo' |
21 |
873 |
Rosa floribunda 'Disneyland' |
Rose ''Disneyland' |
7 |
234 |
Rosa floribunda 'Europeana' |
Rose 'Europeana' |
7, 21 |
236 |
Rosa Floribunda 'Lime Sublime' |
Rose 'Lime Sublime' |
24 |
841 |
Rosa Grandiflora 'Honey Dijon' |
Rose 'Honey Dijon' |
24 |
839 |
Rosa grandiflora 'Tournament of Roses' |
Rose 'Tournament of Roses |
13 |
870 |
Rosa hybrid |
Bush Rose (Red) |
5 |
156 |
Rosa hybrid |
Yellow fragrant bush Rose |
5 |
1011 |
Rosa hybrid |
Red climbing rose in border 5 |
5 |
1012 |
Rosa hybrid |
Rose red |
7 |
1008 |
Rosa hybrid |
Dubble dark pink Rose |
9 |
1069 |
Rosa hybrid |
Dubble Pink Shrub Rose |
9 |
563 |
Rosa hybrid |
Rose hybrid |
21 |
874 |
Rosa hybrid |
Rose orange climber |
23 |
797 |
Rosa hybrid |
unknown yellow bush Rose |
23 |
1024 |
Rosa hybrid 'Glamis Castle' |
Rose 'Glamis Castle' |
24 |
816 |
Rosa hybrid 'Fair Bianca' |
Rose 'Fair Bianca' |
24 |
814 |
Rosa hybrid 'Gizmo' |
Miniature Rose 'Gizmo' |
7 |
237 |
Rosa hybrid 'Graham Thomas' |
New English Shrub Rose (Yellow ) |
5 |
160 |
Rosa hybrid 'Gypsy Dancer' |
Rose 'Gypsy Dancer' |
24 |
815 |
Rosa hybrid 'Iceberg' |
Rose 'Iceberg' |
24 |
821 |
Rosa hybrid 'Moondance' |
Rose 'Moondance' |
24 |
818 |
Rosa hybrid 'Pat Austin' |
Rose Pat Austin |
21 |
776 |
Rosa hybrid 'Peak Performance' |
Hybrid Tea Rose 'Peak Performance' |
13 |
872 |
Rosa hybrid 'Sixteen Candles' |
Rose 'Sixteen Candles' |
24 |
819 |
Rosa hybrid 'Strike It Rich' |
Grandiflora Rose 'Strike It Rich' |
7 |
238 |
Rosa hybrid 'Wild Spice' |
Rose 'Wild Spice' |
24 |
820 |
Rosa hybrid musk 'Ballerina' |
Ballerina Musk Rose |
14 |
979 |
Rosa hybrid tea 'Brandy' |
Tea Rose 'Brandy' |
5, 21, 24 |
155 |
Rosa miniature hybrid |
Miniature rose |
7 |
1036 |
Rosa miniature hybrid |
Minituature rose apricot |
21 |
1010 |
Rosa Polyantha 'Lovely Fairy' |
Rose Polyantha 'Lovely Fairy' |
11 |
1050 |
Rosa spec. |
Bush rose |
4 |
89 |
Rosa spec. |
Rose White |
12 |
672 |
Rosa tea hybrid 'Orange Surprise' |
Standard Tea Rose 'Orange Surprise' |
5 |
161 |
Rosmarinus officinalis |
Rosemary |
4, 7, 8 |
90 |
Rosmarinus officinalis 'Huntington Carpet' |
Rosmarin |
7 |
240 |
Rudbeckia hirta 'Cherokee Sunset' |
Gloriosa Daisies |
23 |
798 |
Rudbeckia hirta 'Prairie Sun' |
Gloriosa Daisies |
23 |
799 |
Rudbeckia occidentalis |
California Coneflower |
7 |
186 |
Ruellia brittoniana |
Mexican Petunia |
10, 18 |
285 |
Rumex sanguineus 'Sanguineus' |
Red Veined Dock |
10 |
286 |
Salix babylonica 'Tortuosa' |
Twisted Willow |
6 |
1048 |
Salix babylonica 'Tortuosa' |
Corkscrew Willow |
6 |
1099 |
salix lucida ssp. lasiandra |
Shining Willow |
0 |
914 |
Salix purpurea |
Purple Osier Willow |
3 |
1059 |
Salvia 'Bee's Bliss' |
Bees Bliss Sage |
19 |
763 |
Salvia 'Mystic Blue Spires' |
Salvia |
10 |
1030 |
Salvia apiana |
White Sage |
19 |
753 |
Salvia argentea |
Silver Sage |
8, 12 |
529 |
Salvia azurea grandiflora |
Pitcher Sage |
7 |
242 |
Salvia chamaedryoides |
Germander Sage |
4, 8, 15, 18 |
91 |
Salvia Clevelandii 'Allen Chickering' |
Blue Sage |
4, 7, 20 |
info and more photos |
69 |
Salvia coccinea |
Red annual Sage |
3, 17 |
745 |
Salvia corrugata |
salvia |
10 |
1088 |
Salvia elegans |
Pineapple sage |
5, 7 |
162 |
Salvia farinacea |
Mealy Sage |
8 |
530 |
Salvia forskaohlei |
Forskaohlei Salvia |
7, 10 |
289 |
Salvia greggii |
Authum Sage |
4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 17, 18 |
93 |
Salvia greggii 'Limelight' |
Autumn Sage |
8 |
531 |
Salvia greggii 'Navajo Rose' |
Autumn Sage |
9 |
567 |
Salvia greggii 'Teresa' |
Autumn Sage |
25 |
822 |
Salvia gregii 'White' |
Authumn Sage |
12 |
954 |
Salvia horminum (viridus) |
Annual sage |
4, 10, 18 |
292 |
Salvia involucrata |
Rosebud sage |
5 |
1071 |
Salvia jurisickii (?) |
Salvia |
10 |
1033 |
Salvia leucantha |
Mexican Sage |
18 |
293 |
Salvia leucophylla |
Purple Sage |
19 |
754 |
Salvia lyrata |
Bronze Lyre-leaf Sage |
10, 11, 25 |
294 |
Salvia lyrata |
Lyre Leaf Sage |
10, 11 |
295 |
Salvia microphylla |
Little Leaf Sage |
7 |
247 |
Salvia microphylla 'San Carlos Festival' |
San Carlos Festival Sage |
11 |
629 |
Salvia nubicola |
Himalayan Yellow Sage |
16 |
731 |
Salvia officinalis 'Purpurea' |
Garden Sage |
12 |
673 |
Salvia officinalis ‘Tricolor’ |
Sage |
5, 7 |
532 |
Salvia patens 'Cambridge Blue' |
Sage |
10 |
1111 |
Salvia sclarea |
Blue Clary Sage |
7, 10, 11, 18 |
249 |
Salvia sonomensis |
Creeping Sage |
7, 10 |
info and more photos |
506 |
Salvia spathacea |
Hummingbird Sage |
5, 11 |
118 |
Salvia splendens 'Phoenix bright Lilac' |
Sage |
20, 10 |
764 |
Salvia superba 'Dark Queen Violet |
Garden Sage |
18 |
750 |
Salvia superba 'Rose Queen' |
Garden Sage |
9 |
568 |
Salvia uliginosa |
Bog Sage |
4, 8 |
115 |
Salvia verticillata 'Purple Rain' |
Whorled Clary |
10 |
297 |
Salvia viridis |
Annual Clary Sage |
10, 19, 20 |
900 |
Santolina chamaecyparissus |
Gray Santolina |
4, 15 |
96 |
Santolina rosmarinifolia |
Green Santolina |
5, 15, 16 |
165 |
Sasaella masamuneana “Albostrlata” |
Dwarf Variegated Bamboo |
3, 7 |
62 |
Scabiosa atropurpurea |
Pincushion flower |
7, 17 |
887 |
Scabiosa atropurpurea 'Florist's Blue' |
Scabiosa |
20 |
765 |
Scabiosa caucasica 'Butterfly Blue' |
Pincushion flower |
8, 10 |
535 |
Scabiosa caucasica 'Perfecta Alba' |
Pincushion flower |
25 |
1056 |
Scabiosa ochroleuca |
Yellow Scabiosa |
16 |
732 |
Scilla peruviana |
Peruvian Scilla |
10 |
299 |
Scilla siberica |
Scilla |
18, 20 |
851 |
Scutellaria spec. |
Skullcap |
2, 8 |
507 |
Sedum album |
White Stonecrop |
5 |
166 |
Sedum hispanicum |
Spanish Sedum |
8 |
536 |
Sedum hylotelephium 'Lynda Windsor' |
Purple Autumn Stonecrop |
9 |
569 |
Sedum kamtschaticum |
Orange Stonecrop |
5 |
167 |
Sedum kamtschaticum 'variegatum' |
Variegated Stonecrop |
8 |
537 |
Sedum lineare 'Variegatum' |
Variegated Sedum |
5, 8 |
168 |
Sedum makinoi 'Ogon' |
Golden Japanese Stonecrop |
13 |
997 |
Sedum reflexum |
Blue Spruce Sedum |
5, 8 |
947 |
Sedum rupestre 'Angelina' |
Stonecrop |
10 |
879 |
Sedum spurium 'Dragon's Blood' |
Dragon's Blood Sedum |
5 |
169 |
Sedum telephium 'Autumn Joy' |
Stonecrop |
18 |
1084 |
Sempervivum tectorum |
Hens-and-chicks |
7 |
992 |
Senecio cristobalensis |
Senecio |
13 |
998 |
Senecio cristobalensis |
Senecio |
23 |
801 |
Sesbania punicea |
Scarlet Wisteria Tree |
3 |
63 |
Silene 'Rolly's Favorite' |
Pink Campion |
8 |
929 |
Silene 'Rolly's Favorite' |
Pink Campion |
9 |
964 |
Silene dioica 'Clifford Moor' (Catchfly) |
Catchfly |
8 |
539 |
Silene uniflora |
Sea Campion |
25 |
833 |
Silene uniflora 'Druett’s variegata' |
Variegated Bladder Campion |
7 |
251 |
Sisyrinchium bellum |
Blue Eyed Grass |
10 |
573 |
Sisyrinchium striatum |
Yellow-eyed Grass |
13 |
686 |
Solanum laciniatum |
Kangaroo Apple |
10 |
1062 |
Solanum pseudocapsicum |
Jerusalem Cherry |
5 |
170 |
Solidago rugosa ‘Fireworks’ |
Goldenrod |
7 |
252 |
Spiraea douglasii |
Western Spirea |
14 |
960 |
Spiraea japonica |
Spirea |
11 |
630 |
Stachys byzantina |
Lamb's ear |
1, 4, 7, 12, 18 |
12 |
Stachys coccinea |
Stachys |
7 |
955 |
Stipa gigantea |
Giant Feather Grass |
15 |
255 |
Strelitzia nicolai |
Giant Bird of Paradise |
25 |
834 |
Strelitzia reginae |
Bird of Paradise |
3 |
988 |
Strelitzia spec. |
Bird of paradise |
3 |
65 |
Supertunia 'Pretty Much Picasso' |
Supertunia |
8 |
995 |
Symphoricarpos albus |
Snowberry |
12 |
info and more photos |
636 |
Symphytum officinale |
Comfrey |
9 |
570 |
Syringa vulgaris |
Lilac |
1 |
13 |
Tanacetum vulgare |
Tansy |
7 |
256 |
Tetrapanax papyrifer |
Chinese Rice Paper Plant |
10 |
778 |
Teucrium chamaedrys |
Wall Germander |
24 |
823 |
Teucrium fruticans |
Bush Germander |
8, 15 |
540 |
Teucrium fruticans 'Azureum' |
Bush Germander |
8 |
541 |
Teucrium marum |
Germander |
9, 15 |
571 |
Thymus praecox 'Elfin' |
Creeping Thyme |
9, 10 |
601 |
Thymus pseudolanuginosus |
Wooly Thyme |
10 |
600 |
Thymus vulgaris |
Common Thyme |
10 |
599 |
Thymus vulgaris 'Argenteus' |
Variegated Thyme |
9, 10, 11, 16, 18, 19 |
602 |
Tithonia rotundifolia |
Mexican Sunflower |
23 |
1080 |
Trachelium caeruleum 'Jemmy Royal Purple' |
Blue Throatwort |
18 |
257 |
Trachelospermum jasminoides |
Star Jasmine |
3 |
66 |
Tradescantia 'Purple Sabre' |
Spiderwort |
9, 24 |
1042 |
Tradescantia pallida |
Purewell Giant |
9 |
604 |
Trichostema lanatum |
Wooly Blue Curls |
4 |
71 |
Tropaeoleum minus 'Black Velvet' |
Nasturtium |
21 |
1067 |
Tulbaghia violacea |
Society Lilac |
4 |
98 |
Tulipa 'Black Hero' |
Tulip |
10, 18 |
1125 |
Tulipa 'Lilyfire' |
Tulip |
23 |
1120 |
Tulipa 'Top parrot' |
Tulip |
17 |
1121 |
Umbellularia californica |
California Bay Laurel |
17 |
info and more photos |
920 |
Verbascum chaixii 'Album' |
Verbascum |
25 |
891 |
verbascum phoeniceum |
Mullein |
3, 16 |
1076 |
Verbascum phoeniceum 'Violetta' |
Mullein |
20 |
767 |
verbascum thapsus |
Verbascum |
7 |
258 |
Verbena bonariensis |
Upright Verbena |
7 |
259 |
Verbena lasiostachys |
Verbena |
7, 18 |
188 |
Verbena peruviana |
Verbena |
7, 8, 9, 10, 3 |
1034 |
Verbena rigida |
Verbena |
8 |
542 |
Verbena rigida 'Polaris' |
Verbena |
7, 9, 10, 18, 19 |
260 |
Veronica longifolia |
Long Leaf Speedwell |
7 |
261 |
Veronica peduncularis 'Georgia Blue' |
Georgia Blue speedwell |
10, 18 |
607 |
Viburnum spec. |
Viburnum |
4 |
99 |
Viburnum suspensum |
Viburnum |
7, 10 |
262 |
Viburnum tinus |
Laurustinus Viburnum |
7 |
263 |
Viola odorata |
Parma Viola (White) |
5 |
171 |
Viola spec. |
Pansies |
10 |
1027 |
Vitex agnus-castus |
Chaste Tree |
10, 15, 16, 18, 19 |
710 |
Vitex agnus-castus 'Cooke's Purple' |
Chaste Tree |
8 |
543 |
Vitex rotundifolia |
Beach Vitex |
7 |
264 |
Vitis californica |
California grape |
2 |
info and more photos |
902 |
Vitis vinifera |
Grape 'Black Monukka Seedless' |
23 |
790 |
Vitis vinifera 'Ruby Seedless' |
Grape 'Ruby Seedless' |
5 |
269 |
Vitis vinifera 'Thompson Seedless' |
Grape 'Thompson Seedless' |
5, 23 |
267 |
Vitis vinifera 'Tokay' |
Grape 'Tokay' |
5 |
268 |
Wahlenbergia cuspidata |
Wahlenbergia |
20 |
766 |
Wisteria sinensis x floribunda 'Rosea' |
Pink Wisteria |
20 |
698 |
Yucca filamentosa 'Bright Edge' |
Variegated Adam's Needle |
16, 21 |
777 |
Yucca gloriosa |
Palm Lily |
1, 3, 7 |
14 |
Yucca gloriosa 'variegata' |
Variegated Palm Lily |
10 |
609 |
Yucca recurvifolia |
Yucca |
7 |
265 |
Zauschneria (Epilobium) californica |
California Fuchsia |
3 |
35 |
Zinnia profusion |
Zinnia |
5 |
1049 |