picture |
Botanical name |
Common name |
Borders |
| Id# |
Abelia grandiflora |
Glossy abelia |
12 |
info and more photos |
637 |
Acanthus mollis |
Bear's Breeches |
10, 13 |
info and more photos |
575 |
Acca sellowiana |
Pineapple Guava |
19 |
755 |
Achillea millefolium |
Common Yarrow |
7, 9, 10 |
177 |
Achillea ptarmica ‘The Pearl Superior’ |
Yarrow |
12 |
638 |
Aesculus californica |
California Buckeye |
0 |
info and more photos |
901 |
Agapanthus spec. |
Lily-of-the-Nile (white flower) |
12 |
852 |
Allium cepa |
Egyptian Walking Onion |
5 |
122 |
Allium subhirsutum |
Hairy Garlic |
24, 35 |
1082 |
Allium subhirsutum |
Hairy Garlic |
25 |
1131 |
Anaphalis margaritacea |
Pearly Everlasting |
1, 2, 16 |
1 |
Angelonia angustifolia |
angelface |
8, 10 |
1029 |
Antirrhinum sp. |
Snapdragon (White) |
24, 25 |
824 |
Aquilegia caerulea 'Crimson Star' |
Columbine |
21 |
933 |
Aquilegia caerulea 'Kristal' |
Columbine |
25 |
827 |
Aquilegia fragrans |
Fragrant Columbine |
25 |
825 |
Arbutus unedo |
Strawberry tree |
5, 7, 20, 24 |
info and more photos |
123 |
Arbutus unedo |
Strawberry Tree |
20, 24 |
756 |
Arbutus unedo compacta |
Compact Strawberry Tree |
3 |
114 |
Arctostaphylos edmundsii 'Carmel Sur' |
Manzanita 'Carmel Sur' |
17 |
info and more photos |
950 |
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi |
Kinnikinnick or Bearberry |
7 |
info and more photos |
178 |
Artemisia ludoviciana 'Silver King' |
Artemisia ludoviciana 'Silver King' |
12 |
640 |
Buddleja davidii |
Butterfly Bush (white) |
7 |
972 |
Carpenteria californica |
Bush Anemone |
14 |
info and more photos |
961 |
Catalpa x erubescens 'Purpurea' |
Purple Catalpa |
23 |
886 |
Centranthus alba |
White Jupiter's Beard |
24 |
808 |
Cephalanthus occidentalis |
Buttonwillow |
6 |
1046 |
Cerastium tomentosum |
Snow-In-Summer |
8 |
952 |
Ceratotheca triloba |
South African Foxglove |
24, 25 |
1091 |
Chrysanthemum parthenium |
feverfew |
12 |
1075 |
Chrysanthemum superbum 'Esther Read' |
Double Shasta daisy |
12 |
646 |
Cistus aguilari “Blanche” |
Rockrose (white) |
4, 12 |
76 |
Citrus orange |
Washington Navel Orange |
15 |
699 |
Cornus kousa |
Dogwood |
2, 23 |
689 |
Correa pulchella 'Alba' |
Australian fuchsia |
12 |
648 |
Cosmos bipinnatus 'Sonata' |
Cosmos |
24, 25 |
1023 |
Cotula hispida 'Silver Mound' |
Brass Buttons |
12 |
650 |
Diascia integerrima |
White Twinspur |
12 |
651 |
Dietes spec. |
Fortnight Iris |
4 |
46 |
Digitalis purpurea "Snow Thimble" |
Foxglove |
24 |
809 |
Elaeocarpus decipiens |
Japanese Blueberry |
16 |
1078 |
Erigeron karvinskianus |
Santa Barbara Daisy |
12 |
info and more photos |
633 |
Eriobotrya japonica |
Loquat or Japanese Plum Tree |
16 |
719 |
Eriogonum cinereum |
Coastal Buckwheat |
12 |
752 |
Eriogonum fasciculatum |
California Buckwheat |
23 |
787 |
Eriogonum latifolium |
Coastal Buckwheat |
12 |
1026 |
Erodium pelargoniflorum 'Sweethart' |
Storks Bill |
12, 25 |
659 |
Euphorbia 'Diamond Frost' |
Euphorbia |
24 |
811 |
Fatsia japonica |
Japanese Aralia |
7 |
210 |
Freesia hybrid |
Freesia |
12 |
654 |
Galtonia regalis |
Galtonia |
24 |
802 |
Gardenia augusta |
Standard Gardenia |
12 |
655 |
Gardenia jasminoides 'August Beauty' |
Gardenia |
13 |
681 |
Gaura lindheimeri |
White Gaura |
12 |
656 |
Gaura lindheimeri 'Corrie's Gold' |
Variegated Gaura |
12 |
868 |
Geranium cantabrigiense 'Biokovo' |
Geranium |
12 |
658 |
Grevillea spec. |
Grevillea |
1 |
8 |
Hedychium coronarium |
White Ornamental Ginger |
12 |
660 |
Heracleum lanatum |
Cow Parsnip |
12 |
661 |
Heteromeles arbutifolia |
Toyon |
1, 2 |
info and more photos |
2 |
Heuchera micrantha |
Coral Bells |
10, 11, 17, 23 |
621 |
Heuchera micrantha var. diversifolia 'Palace Purple' |
Coral Bells |
10, 18, 21 |
897 |
Hibiscus lasiocarpus |
Native Hibiscus |
12 |
634 |
Hibiscus moscheutos 'Luna White Swirl' |
Rose-Mallow |
12 |
662 |
Hibiscus syriacus 'Red Heart' |
Rose of sharon |
12, 14 |
622 |
Houttuynia cordata |
Chameleon Plant |
10 |
892 |
Houttuynia cordata “Chameleon” |
Variegated Houttuynia |
6 |
173 |
Hyacinthoides non-scripta hybrid |
Bluebells |
10, 11 |
942 |
Hydrangea macrophylla variegata |
Variegated hydrangea |
12 |
1064 |
Hydrangea quercifolia |
Oak Leaf Hydrangea |
13 |
1051 |
Ilex aquifolium 'Variegata' |
Variegaated English Holly |
12 |
958 |
Iris ensata 'Henry's White' |
Japanese Iris |
3 |
52 |
Iris germanica 'Batik' |
Iris |
15 |
700 |
Iris x hollandica 'White Perfection' |
Dutch Iris |
25 |
1117 |
Lavandula angustifolia 'Alba' |
Lavender |
15 |
701 |
Lavandula X intermedia 'Alba' |
White Lavender |
4 |
83 |
Leucojum aestivum |
Giant Showdrops |
8 |
1132 |
Libertia grandiflora |
New Zealand Iris |
13, 25 |
683 |
Ligustrum japonicum 'Texanum' |
Wax Leaf Ligustrum |
5 |
150 |
Linaria purpurea 'Alba' |
Flax |
25 |
831 |
Lonicera fragrantissima |
Winter Honeysuckle |
14 |
837 |
Magnolia grandiflora |
Southern Magnolia |
4, 24 |
692 |
Magnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem' |
Dwarf Southern Magnolia |
5 |
152 |
Myrtus communis |
True Myrtle |
12 |
666 |
Myrtus compacta variegata |
Variegated Myrtle |
16 |
728 |
Narcissus 'Paper White' |
Dafodil |
12 |
957 |
Narcissus Cyclamineus 'Jenny' |
Dafodil |
12, 15 |
859 |
Narcissus Double 'Obdam' |
Daffodil 'Dubble Obdam' |
25 |
642 |
Narcissus Double 'Rosy Cloud' |
Daffodil 'Rosy Cloud' |
24 |
641 |
Narcissus Double hybrid |
Dafodill |
12 |
862 |
Narcissus Large Cup 'Easter Bonnet' |
dafodil |
4 |
863 |
Narcissus Tazetta |
Daffodil |
4 |
77 |
nectaroscordum siculum |
Sicilian Honey Lily |
25 |
643 |
Nymphaea spec. |
Waterlily |
6 |
176 |
Origanum vulgare 'Variegata' |
Variegated Marjoram |
8 |
523 |
Osteospermum hybrid |
African Daisy |
7, 25 |
226 |
Pavonia hastata |
Cape Mallow |
12, 24 |
667 |
Penstemon 'Husker Red Strain' |
Penstemon |
12 |
668 |
Petroselinum neapolitanum |
Parsley |
23 |
1097 |
Phlox paniculata 'David' |
Summer Phlox |
12 |
669 |
Photinia spec. |
Photinia |
4 |
88 |
Physocarpus capitatus |
Ninebark |
14 |
959 |
Phytolacca americana |
Poke |
7, 17, 19 |
1047 |
Pittosporum tobira |
Japanese Mock Orange |
12 |
1053 |
Platycodon grandiflorus 'Fuji White' |
Balloon Flower |
25 |
832 |
Prunus spec. |
Plum |
14 |
697 |
Prunus virginiana |
Chokecherry |
7 |
185 |
Pyracantha spec. |
Firethorn |
1, 7 |
10 |
Rhamnus crocea |
Spiny redberry |
19 |
info and more photos |
935 |
Rhaphiolepis umbellata 'Minor' |
Dwarf Yedda Hawthorn |
10 |
284 |
Romneya coulteri |
Matilija Poppy |
12 |
635 |
Rosa Floribunda 'Lime Sublime' |
Rose 'Lime Sublime' |
24 |
841 |
Rosa hybrid 'Glamis Castle' |
Rose 'Glamis Castle' |
24 |
816 |
Rosa hybrid 'Fair Bianca' |
Rose 'Fair Bianca' |
24 |
814 |
Rosa hybrid 'Iceberg' |
Rose 'Iceberg' |
24 |
821 |
Rosa hybrid 'Moondance' |
Rose 'Moondance' |
24 |
818 |
Rosa hybrid 'Wild Spice' |
Rose 'Wild Spice' |
24 |
820 |
Rosa spec. |
Rose White |
12 |
672 |
Salvia apiana |
White Sage |
19 |
753 |
Salvia argentea |
Silver Sage |
8, 12 |
529 |
Salvia forskaohlei |
Forskaohlei Salvia |
7, 10 |
289 |
Salvia greggii 'Navajo Rose' |
Autumn Sage |
9 |
567 |
Salvia greggii 'Teresa' |
Autumn Sage |
25 |
822 |
Salvia gregii 'White' |
Authumn Sage |
12 |
954 |
Salvia lyrata |
Bronze Lyre-leaf Sage |
10, 11, 25 |
294 |
Salvia lyrata |
Lyre Leaf Sage |
10, 11 |
295 |
Salvia sclarea |
Blue Clary Sage |
7, 10, 11, 18 |
249 |
Scabiosa caucasica 'Perfecta Alba' |
Pincushion flower |
25 |
1056 |
Sedum album |
White Stonecrop |
5 |
166 |
Verbascum chaixii 'Album' |
Verbascum |
25 |
891 |