List of drought tolerant plants from Victoria Garden
Lists (still in progress) can also be sorted by common name.
without pictures
picture |
Botanical name |
Common name |
Borders |
| Id# |
Achillea millefolium |
Common Yarrow |
7, 9, 10 |
177 |
Aeonium arboreum atropurpureum 'Zwartkop' |
Aeonium |
5 |
993 |
Agave Americana |
Agave |
1 |
6 |
Allium subhirsutum |
Hairy Garlic |
24, 35 |
1082 |
Amorpha californica |
California False Indigo |
20 |
info and more photos |
15 |
Arctostaphylos densiflora 'Howard Mcminn' |
Manzanita |
19 |
info and more photos |
925 |
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi |
Kinnikinnick or Bearberry |
7 |
info and more photos |
178 |
Arctostaphylos viscida |
Whiteleaf Manzanita |
2 |
info and more photos |
906 |
Artemesia alba 'Canescens' |
Artemesia |
5 |
124 |
Artemisia 'Powis castle' |
Wormwood |
8, 4, 18 |
511 |
Artemisia californica |
California Sagebrush |
16 |
info and more photos |
711 |
Atriplex lentiformis |
Salt bush |
19 |
924 |
Baccharis pilularis |
Coyote Brush |
19 |
info and more photos |
915 |
Baccharis viminea |
Mule's Fat |
4 |
931 |
Bouteloua gracilis |
Eyebrow Grass |
19 |
info and more photos |
921 |
Calochortus luteus |
Gold Nuggets |
24 |
806 |
Ceanothus 'Frosty blue' |
California Lilac |
7 |
info and more photos |
180 |
Ceanothus 'Ray Hartman' |
California Lilac |
7 |
info and more photos |
181 |
Ceanothus lemmonii |
Trinity Ceanothus |
19 |
info and more photos |
926 |
Ceanothus thyrsiflorus 'Skylark' |
Blue Mountain Lilac |
7 |
932 |
Cercis occidentalis |
Western Redbud |
14 |
info and more photos |
18 |
Cereus peruvianus monstrose 'Rojo' |
Curiousity Plant |
11 |
1003 |
Cistus 'Sunset' |
Rockrose' |
4, 20 |
75 |
Cistus aguilari “Blanche” |
Rockrose (white) |
4, 12 |
76 |
Cistus skanbergi |
Coral Rockrose |
2 |
29 |
Cupressus spec. |
Cypress |
2 |
30 |
Dichelostemma multiflorum |
Wild Hyacinth |
0 |
907 |
Digitalis ferruginea 'Gigantea Rusty Foxglove' |
Foxglove |
23 |
786 |
Dodecatheon Hendersonii |
Shooting star |
2 |
19 |
Dorycnium hirsutum |
Hairy Canary Clover |
9 |
553 |
Dudleya farinosa |
Bluff Lettuce |
16 |
911 |
Eschscholzia californica |
California Poppy |
4, 5, 7, 16, 17 |
info and more photos |
610 |
Euphorbia 'Blackbird' |
Euphorbia |
3, 17 |
742 |
Euphorbia 'Tasmanian Tiger' |
Variegated Spurge |
12 |
653 |
Euphorbia characias |
Euphorbia |
3, 24 |
48 |
Euphorbia characius 'Portugese Velvet' |
Euphorbia |
7 |
207 |
Euphorbia rigida |
Euphorbia |
7 |
209 |
Euphorbia seedling |
Euphorbia |
21 |
909 |
Festuca idahoensis 'Siskiyou Blue' |
Idaho Fescue Grass |
19 |
info and more photos |
922 |
Fraxinus latifolia |
Oregon Ash |
2 |
962 |
Fremontodendron californicum |
Flannelbush or Fremontia |
15 |
info and more photos |
903 |
Grevillea spec. |
Grevillea |
1 |
8 |
Helianthemum nummularium 'Dazzler' |
Sunrose |
17 |
743 |
Hypericum calycinum |
Creeping St. John's wort |
1, 4 |
9 |
Iris germanica |
Low dark blue Iris |
18, 19 |
945 |
Iris germanica 'Fringe Benefit' |
Iris |
7 |
876 |
Iris pallida 'Albo Variegata' |
iris |
8 |
946 |
Kalanchoe beharensis |
Felt Plant |
22 |
111 |
Lavandula 'Goodwin Greek Grey' |
Goodwin Greek Grey Lavender |
4, 8 |
521 |
Lavandula angustifolia 'Alba' |
Lavender |
15 |
701 |
Lavandula angustifolia 'Munstead' |
Lavender |
4 |
890 |
Lavandula intermedia 'Du Provence' |
Lavender |
15 |
702 |
Lavandula intermedia 'Fred Boutin' |
Lavender |
15 |
703 |
Lavandula intermedia 'Grosso' |
Lavender |
15 |
704 |
Lavandula spicca 'Rosea' |
Lavender |
2, 9, 15 |
558 |
Lavandula stoechas |
Lavender |
4, 7, 12 |
218 |
Lavandula X intermedia 'Alba' |
White Lavender |
4 |
83 |
Lepechinia calyucina "Rocky Point' |
Pitcher Sage |
19 |
923 |
Lupinus albifrons |
Silver Bush Lupine |
18, 19 |
info and more photos |
905 |
Muhlenbergia rigens |
Deer grass |
3 |
info and more photos |
36 |
Narcissus Large Cup |
Dafodil |
2, 3, 4, 19 |
896 |
Nassella tenuissima |
Mexican Feather Grass |
5 |
154 |
Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Mody' |
Black Fountain Grass |
14, 24 |
813 |
Penstemon Heterophyllus |
Foothill Penstemon |
19 |
info and more photos |
184 |
Penstemon pinifolius 'Mersea Yellow' |
Yellow Pineleaf Penstemon |
8 |
524 |
Perovskia atriplicifolia |
Russian sage |
18, 19 |
748 |
Phlomis fruticosa |
Jerusalem Sage |
10, 15, 18 |
280 |
Phlomis lanata |
Jerusalem Sage |
16 |
729 |
Phlomis russeliana |
Jerusalem Sage |
7 |
227 |
Photinia spec. |
Photinia |
4 |
88 |
Quercus douglassii |
Blue Oak |
1, 2, 14 |
3 |
Quercus kelloggii |
Black Oak |
2 |
info and more photos |
25 |
Quercus wislizenii |
Interior live oak |
1, 2, 12, 14 |
4 |
Rhamnus crocea |
Spiny redberry |
19 |
info and more photos |
935 |
Rhus integrifolia |
Lemonade Berry |
4 |
916 |
Ribes aureum |
Golden Currant |
23 |
info and more photos |
796 |
Ricinus communis 'Carmencita' |
Red Castor Bean |
14, 19, 21, 23, 7 |
233 |
Rosmarinus officinalis |
Rosemary |
4, 7, 8 |
90 |
Rosmarinus officinalis 'Huntington Carpet' |
Rosmarin |
7 |
240 |
Salvia 'Bee's Bliss' |
Bees Bliss Sage |
19 |
763 |
Salvia apiana |
White Sage |
19 |
753 |
Salvia argentea |
Silver Sage |
8, 12 |
529 |
Salvia chamaedryoides |
Germander Sage |
4, 8, 15, 18 |
91 |
Salvia Clevelandii 'Allen Chickering' |
Blue Sage |
4, 7, 20 |
info and more photos |
69 |
Salvia greggii 'Limelight' |
Autumn Sage |
8 |
531 |
Salvia greggii 'Navajo Rose' |
Autumn Sage |
9 |
567 |
Salvia greggii 'Teresa' |
Autumn Sage |
25 |
822 |
Salvia leucophylla |
Purple Sage |
19 |
754 |
Salvia microphylla |
Little Leaf Sage |
7 |
247 |
Salvia sonomensis |
Creeping Sage |
7, 10 |
info and more photos |
506 |
Santolina chamaecyparissus |
Gray Santolina |
4, 15 |
96 |
Santolina rosmarinifolia |
Green Santolina |
5, 15, 16 |
165 |
Sedum album |
White Stonecrop |
5 |
166 |
Sedum hispanicum |
Spanish Sedum |
8 |
536 |
Sedum reflexum |
Blue Spruce Sedum |
5, 8 |
947 |
Sempervivum tectorum |
Hens-and-chicks |
7 |
992 |