List of plants with orange flowers from Victoria Garden
Lists (still in progress) can also be sorted by botanical name. Be aware sometimes the plant comes in more colors and only example is in the list, so a picture with another color might come up.
without pictures
picture |
Botanical name |
Common name |
Borders |
| Id# |
Abutilon pictum |
Flowering Maple |
5 |
info and more photos |
779 |
Agastache 'Apricot Sunrise' |
Hummingbird Hyssop |
24 |
508 |
Agastache barberi 'Firebird' |
Hummingbird Mint |
5 |
121 |
Agastache rupestris |
Sunset Hyssop |
7 |
189 |
Aloe castanea |
Cat's Tail Aloe |
22 |
1018 |
Aloe ‘Johnson’s Hybrid’ |
Aloe |
22, 23 |
768 |
Alstroemeria ligtu |
Alstroemeria |
5 |
888 |
Amorpha californica |
California False Indigo |
20 |
info and more photos |
15 |
Antirrhinum spec. |
Snapdraggon |
3, 5 |
113 |
Arum italicum |
Lords-and-Ladies |
9 |
970 |
Calendula officinalis |
Marigold apricot |
24 |
805 |
Calibrachoa 'Million Bells' |
Million bells |
21, 22, 23, 24 |
782 |
Campsis radicans |
Trumpet Vine (yellow) |
24 |
196 |
Cana hybrid |
Cana |
7 |
895 |
Canna x generalis 'Paprika' |
Canna |
23 |
783 |
Chrysanthemum hybrid |
Garden Mums |
5, 11, 12, 17 |
133 |
Cosmos bipinnatus 'Sonata Dwarf Ladybird Mix' |
Cosmos |
23 |
1077 |
Crocosmia 'Lucifer' |
Montbretia |
3 |
134 |
Cuphea ignea |
Sigar Plant |
22 |
1020 |
Diascia integerrima |
Orange Twinspur |
23 |
875 |
Eschscholzia californica |
California Poppy |
4, 5, 7, 16, 17 |
info and more photos |
610 |
Gazania rigens |
Treasure Flower |
5, 23 |
142 |
Gazania spec. |
Gazania |
3, 25 |
49 |
Glaucium flavum aurantiacum |
Horned poppy |
16, 21 |
107 |
Hemerocallis spec. |
Daylily |
3, 5, 12, 21 |
51 |
Iris germanica 'Firebreather' |
Iris |
23 |
1114 |
Iris germanica 'Fringe Benefit' |
Iris |
7 |
876 |
Iris germanica 'Spiced Custard' |
Iris |
24 |
1129 |
Keckelia cordifolia |
Climbing Penstemon |
17 |
733 |
Kniphofia sp. |
Early flowering Red Hot Poker |
23 |
772 |
Kniphofia uvaria |
Red hot poker |
3, 7 |
54 |
Lantana camara |
Lantana |
5 |
1044 |
Leonotis leonurus |
Lion's tail |
5 |
149 |
Lilium tigrinum |
Tiger Lily |
21 |
1081 |
Lonicera sempervirens |
Trumpet Honeysuckle |
7 |
220 |
Lornica ciliosa |
Western Trumpet |
23 |
793 |
Narcissus double 'Orangery' |
Dafodil |
22 |
1102 |
Narcissus split cup 'Apricot Whirl' |
Daffodil |
11 |
1103 |
Osteospermum hybrid |
African Daisy |
7, 25 |
226 |
Papaver atlanticum 'Flore Pleno' |
Papaver |
23 |
1009 |
Pelargonium different spec. |
Geranium |
3, 9 |
56 |
Punica granatum |
Pomegranate |
12, 14 |
670 |
Punica granatum 'Nana' |
Dwarf Pomegranate |
7, 17 |
230 |
Rosa floribunda 'Cinco de Mayo' |
Rose 'Cinco de Mayo' |
21 |
873 |
Rosa floribunda 'Disneyland' |
Rose ''Disneyland' |
7 |
234 |
Rosa Grandiflora 'Honey Dijon' |
Rose 'Honey Dijon' |
24 |
839 |
Rosa hybrid |
Rose orange climber |
23 |
797 |
Rosa hybrid 'Gizmo' |
Miniature Rose 'Gizmo' |
7 |
237 |
Rosa hybrid 'Gypsy Dancer' |
Rose 'Gypsy Dancer' |
24 |
815 |
Rosa hybrid 'Pat Austin' |
Rose Pat Austin |
21 |
776 |
Rosa hybrid 'Sixteen Candles' |
Rose 'Sixteen Candles' |
24 |
819 |
Rosa hybrid 'Strike It Rich' |
Grandiflora Rose 'Strike It Rich' |
7 |
238 |
Rosa hybrid tea 'Brandy' |
Tea Rose 'Brandy' |
5, 21, 24 |
155 |
Rosa miniature hybrid |
Miniature rose |
7 |
1036 |
Rosa tea hybrid 'Orange Surprise' |
Standard Tea Rose 'Orange Surprise' |
5 |
161 |
Strelitzia reginae |
Bird of Paradise |
3 |
988 |
Tithonia rotundifolia |
Mexican Sunflower |
23 |
1080 |
Tulipa 'Lilyfire' |
Tulip |
23 |
1120 |
Zinnia profusion |
Zinnia |
5 |
1049 |