Lee's garden
Lee's digging dogs garden, with a iris collection, many peonies, lilies and other stunning plants. Off Oasis Road, North of Redding

Introduction Story
I moved to my property in 1993, it is just slightly less than an acre. Its completely flat, cyclone fenced with a single wide mobile, which means there was plenty of open space. In 1993 the only thing here were 7 large oak trees, 2 small fruitless Mulberrys and 1 scrawny plum tree. That was the extent of the landscaping. I bought a riding lawn mower and for the next few years I just kept everything mowed down.
I only had one dog at the time and we were gone almost every week-end hunting, fishing and camping. The yard was not really a priority. Then after a few years I purchased a second dog, then a third and pretty soon I needed a dog sitter whenever I left home so my priorities changed and I became aware of my dismal barren yard.
My first attempts at gardening did not go very well. I was a late bloomer and had no idea what I was doing. I bought plants that I liked and dug a hole and put them in. I couldn't understand why the next day whe I went to inspect my new plant it was either already dead or very close to it. At that point I realized that I was doing something wrong and purchased Sunsets Western Garden book and started reading up on our area. Eventually through trial and error I found what worked for me and the dogs.
My fenced area is strictly Lee's garden and no dogs are allowed. This is where I have my Iris and I've spent the last 3 seasons filling it in with a variety of plants, rocks, yard art and groundcover. I fight the gophers and moles daily. Because I've worked the soil so well and its watered often it seems to draw them like magnets. I've tried almost everything that I've read about, home remedies that friends have suggested and still they come. If anyone out there has a real cure for the problem (other than poison) I would love to hear about it.
The pots are my second love, I've become a real expert on the needs of potted plants and most of mine do well. If I try something new and it doesn't work I don't worry about it I just try something else. The dogs know the rules (most of the time) no digging in my pots but the rest of the yard is theirs. Which means you watch were you walk at all times. The dachshunds are digger dogs so they are usually the ones who bring me an occasional dead gopher. I love to be out in the yard digging in the dirt and playing with the dogs.
The yard is really a work in progress because I'm always trying something new. A new plant, tree, pot, or a new piece of yard art. It keeps me busy and the dogs are always happiest when I'm outside with them. I hope you enjoy looking at my yard and dogs. I really enjoy this web site and have some new wonderful ideas from observing the the other yards and hope to see more added to the site..